
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Weekend WIP update

The 3rd skein of Europa Tweed has been joined into the (endless!)broken rib scarf, putting this project at about 55% done.  Just in time for the weather to warm up, of course.  I'm tired of working on this, and want so very much to move on to the Gramps Cardigan (Kate Oates, TotToppers).  MW at work wants this cardi for her two year old grandson, who's a bit big for his age.  I'll make the size 4, so he can wear it for a while.  Such an adorable little sweater!  Then I hope I'll still be in the sweater mood, and can make an Aidez for myself.  I may get that done by my birthday....if I don't get distracted.  I have a whack of yarn set aside for a sweater for the Plaidman, too.  Still haven't settled on the exact pattern, but one of Martin Storey's looks good for it. 
Disco is getting a bit more active in her quest for employment.  Plaidman & I have a standard response anytime she asks for something, "Get a job!"  She's got ideas to go somewhere and do something interesting -- "Get a job!"  She wants bacon in the fridge -- "Get a job!"  I think it's working.  Next we'll have to teach her to drive. 
Oh, I bought another cute pattern off Ravelry.  I remember when I first got on Ravelry, and saw the wealth of free patterns there, and thought gosh I'll never have to pay for a pattern again.  But so many of the paid ones are so lovely; still, I should just stop 'coz I'll never have enough time to knit all I've got in my library already. 

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