
Monday, March 29, 2021

Not fishing

It's called fishing, not catching.  I have been fishing through the On Demand on our service, for a show we started watching last fall.  I am delighted to say I found it!  We here at Chez Plaid are completely underwhelmed by sitcoms and the mostly - scripted "reality" shows.  We do watch police drama series, even the ones in syndication.  But it's really nice to see something new (at least to us) that isn't directed at the lowest common denominator, with a canned laugh track.  So now we have several series available: 30 Coins, Banshee (how did we miss the first 3 seasons?), Debris, and  Britannia.  If Animal Planet or Nat Geo or SCI channels don't interest us, we can dial up a drama.  Whew, that's a relief.
So how's the shawl coming along?  Well enough, considering I work on it every other day, and only for a couple hours at a time.
I'm using the Cranberry  (1st photo), Winter Night (3rd pic), and Plume (4th pic).  The 2nd pic is of River Rock, looks darker here than IRL, so did not quite suit.  I have a good quantity of the Gloss fingering, and have an idea to use the River Rock in another pattern, but will need some white as well.  It's cool, I have Knit Picks on speed dial.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Done deal

The Plaid Patrol is officially fully vaccinated against the SARS-COVID virus.  We celebrated by having dinner at the China Pan!  We hadn't been there in almost a year, so it was a happy visit.  
I started the MKAL (at last), and was doing ok, until I tried knitting on it while "resting" between the clinic visit & the supper at the Pan.  After supper, I had to tink out four rows where I had repeated a wrong side row many times....Sigh.  But I am back on track now, and may finish a section this evening.  Disco has gotten the craft bug; she got herself a pile of variegated yarn while we were at WalMart.  I got a ball of Shawl in a Ball, her choice of color, to make a shawl fade for her.  I'll look at the pattern & see if I can throw in some lace along the bottom.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Almost Ancient

When we added TomTom Tiger to our household, he was about 3 months old.  Our "senior " kitty, Miss Hinky Boo, was 15 months.  We did the math, and found they had both been born in March, one year apart.  Since then we've had the Cat Birthday on the Ides of March.  There seems to be some debate as to whether the Ginger Bomber is going to be 19 or 20 years old this month.  He's just hella old for a cat.
I have a new lot of yarn from my favorite enablers, KnitPicks.  It's mostly  their Gloss Fingering, soft & shiny.  I got Cranberry, Plume (they could have left off the "e"), and River Rock.  I was hoping River Rock was just a shade darker, but it'll have to do.  Also present: two balls of their City Tweed HW in color Harbor Seal, for the Plaidman's new hat.  Later I'll have to take pictures & record these goodies in my Ravelry stash.  Any day spent playing with yarn is a good day.
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March 13
Shoot, I keep forgetting to hit "publish" on here, before closing the WIFI on the phone.  Today is cloudy outside, so quite dim inside and unsuited to pictures of yarn.  I did knit a bit last night, putting in the "sore thumb" for one fingerless mitt.  Today I'll attempt to do better on the other one (I dropped a stitch last night).  The third clue is about to be dropped for the KAL, but I haven't even started clue 1 yet.  I feel like Plaidman's hat can wait, since it's so warm here.  But I am so close to being D-O-N-E with these mitts, which were started when our heating was only firing on one cylinder, that I must just suck it up & get 'er done.  
Erm...that was 4 hours ago.  I remembered I had an email about a tax document, so I looked that up.  While I was in the email, I found an important message from my sister that had to be handled.  Amazon had sent me some suggestions for my Kindle, and I looked at those.  Next, I got onto Amazon ' s site, hoping to see some books I'd actually be interested in reading.  That led me to Crafts,  and a happy half hour of looking at yarn.  No orders were placed.

Friday, March 5, 2021

You probably saw this coming

Last week we paid a handyman to pull the old oven/range out from between the cabinets.  He also laid down a piece of plywood to bring that space up to the floor level.  Big box store showed up with our new oven, which is about .75" too wide, but just at the counter top and cabinet facing.  I'm about ready to scream.  Mr. Handyman has been called, but not yet scheduled.   Our one problem is "welping", dropping other related problems.  Let's hope we haven't opened a money pit.
Today I made reservations for all of the Plaid Patrol to get the first COVID vaccine shots.  Yippee!  There wasn't any option to schedule the second shots.  I'll just have to keep checking back on the website. 
In knitting news, the second mitt is up to row 25.
March 5, 2021
Edited to add that the Plaid Patrol has had the first round of Covid vaccines.  Disco had to get up at the ungodly (to her) hour of 9 a.m.  It is now 5:18 p.m., and she's retired for a nap.  She'll likely surface about 11 p.m., to raid the fridge & feed the cat.

Happy Weekend!