
Friday, March 5, 2021

You probably saw this coming

Last week we paid a handyman to pull the old oven/range out from between the cabinets.  He also laid down a piece of plywood to bring that space up to the floor level.  Big box store showed up with our new oven, which is about .75" too wide, but just at the counter top and cabinet facing.  I'm about ready to scream.  Mr. Handyman has been called, but not yet scheduled.   Our one problem is "welping", dropping other related problems.  Let's hope we haven't opened a money pit.
Today I made reservations for all of the Plaid Patrol to get the first COVID vaccine shots.  Yippee!  There wasn't any option to schedule the second shots.  I'll just have to keep checking back on the website. 
In knitting news, the second mitt is up to row 25.
March 5, 2021
Edited to add that the Plaid Patrol has had the first round of Covid vaccines.  Disco had to get up at the ungodly (to her) hour of 9 a.m.  It is now 5:18 p.m., and she's retired for a nap.  She'll likely surface about 11 p.m., to raid the fridge & feed the cat.

Happy Weekend!

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