
Friday, October 3, 2008

Birthday Swag

I've been meaning to get on here & talk about all the lovely goodies that my family gave me for my birthday: The Plaidman took DiscoDame & me out to the Longhorn for Flo's filets --Yum! And we were both pretty good girls, not so much goofing around at the table as we usually do (we always say that we need adult supervision when we go out). And I got four magazines, 3 specifically knitting & 1 about felt (do I sense a hint here?), and the Best Gift was a small metal & nylon swift. I have already wound up about 1800 yards from 4 hanks; what a nice presie! I should get a picture. Not just useful; I think it adds something to my appreciation of my stash to be able to wind up the yarns easily. Plus it's fun! In the same gift bag were two 40" fixed circulars, for my Magic Loop fun, in sock sizes & by Addi! One's nickel & the other's bamboo or birch, I've already forgotten--BTW, I stopped by Bliss Yarns one evening during my vacation week, and Emily helped me figure out why I was getting an extra stitch on the Magic Loop. She had some advice about learning the Left Hand Way ("Continental" knitting) as well, something about keeping to very simple stitching during the learning process--but of course, I started with ribbing (K4p4; I'm not a masochist!) so I could learn the purl stitch too. AND I went back to Debbie Stoller before I started trying to change hands! I just love her, & always credit her with teaching me to knit. Hey, I should probably add that to my blog header: "Taught by Debbie Stoller, thru Stitch
N Bitch"

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