
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Monday evening

The bigger box for the Texas care package is too big, but the next smaller size I have on hand is way too small. I need to add more good stuff. Yesterday we went to Wally World for the Christmas shopping. I bought one big pack of ankle socks for Mr. Adams, and two big packs for the Adams ladies. Still not enough to fill the box. Quick convo with Sis, just jokingly asked for underwear sizes. People, she did not bat an eye, just filled in the blanks. Yes, we grew up getting socks & undies for Christmas. I will have to make another trip to Wally World. OR...start on a loom knit throw, which will hopefully be a lot quicker than using the circular needles & hand knitting it. I had bought a butt load of acrylic yarn to make an afghan, all in nice coordinating colors, but alas never started the thing. The plan is to use two strands together on Disco's biggest loom, and change one color at a time to make a marled look. I just wound up nine balls to start, so handy to have a winder and yarn scale. Let's see, how long must a wrap be? and if Jan 6 is Twelfth Night, That gives me maybe 5 days to produce the wrap & 5 days for shipping. Well, I really need to attend to other issues just now, like pulling my cook upstairs so she can start dinner. God Bless & take care. Darn, I just realized today, the 28th, that I didn't publish this one.

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