
Friday, January 22, 2021

sorry, my bad

Yesterday, in my goofy enthusiam, I said we have a sane, decent, and ADULT man in the Oval Office.  I apologize; after the last four years a person defined by the first three descriptors would be welcome, regardless of gender.  Although President Biden is a man, it was not my intent to highlight a particular gender as a needed attribute for the job.  However, I am partial to my fellow KEYSTONER.  I wonder whether he favors Philly ' s team, or the Steelers.
With the arthritis & bone mets, I have to work at getting into bed. I got up at 6 am yesterday, and decided to get another 2 hours of sleep.  But I just could not pull my right leg up onto the bed.  So aggravating!  My wheelchair is close, I moved it so the footrest was only an inch from the bed.  Yep, that footrest made a good stepping stone!  So last night I got a small step stool out of the closet, and used it.  Much better!  I hated to wake Plaidman for assistance; hopefully that will stop now.

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