
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I have 'em.  No blisters on mah fingers; just calluses.  I"ve been switching between Pup's socks, the ones that look like fruit salad, and the lacy beret.  The third repeat of the 8-row pattern for the hat is upon me, so it's nearly decision time: Stop at 3 repeats, for a wide beret?  or continue with the 4th repeat (ala Abby's hat) for a slouchier version?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Knitting Resolutions

I'll go out on a limb here, to state that my knitting resolutions for 2013 are
1. to become comfortable with left-hand (aka Continental) style knitting so that
2. I'll learn to knit Fair Isle/stranded colorwork, and also
3. To knit at least two sweaters during 2013 -- Terry's, and one for me! 

I made a border of garter stitch in the round for my green washcloth, which I worked entirely left-handed.  Since garter stitch in the round calls for knitting one row, then purling the next, I got some practice with both.  I want to start my stranded knitting with something small, like a pair of mittens.  Anyone out there have a favorite and easy (& free!) stranded mitten pattern to suggest?  Please leave me a link in a comment.  I'd also like to hear about other folks' knitting resolutions -- maybe we can "egg" each other on!

Pup's 1st Steelers sock is now 4.75" long; at 7" I'll split the insole away from the heel; add on the Malabrigo fingering (solid black) for the heel flap, turn & gusset; then drop the solid black and work towards the toe. I have some black reinforcing thread I'll hold with the Malabrigo, to strengthen it.  The toe wiill be worked in the same materials.  I believe I'll use black heels & toes for all 3 pairs.  Erin has seen a stitch pattern that she'd like to have for her socks, in a booklet I've got.  The booklet pattern calls for a heavier yarn, so I'll have to do some swatching to figure out how many stitches to cast on & the number of repeats to work around.  Oh noes, teh dredded knittin' math!