
Friday, April 25, 2008

Love a plan?

I'm not so great without plans, myself. The ideas are around; it's the details that elude. I'll be brief: I want to write more about my visit with the folks in Texas, but I'm about to leave for bit. Got a photo or too, if I can figure out how to get'em to behave. Here's *my* DD modeling the hat for Niece #1:

Well, I have no idea whether that worked or not. (It didn't--gotta get my tech consultant over here). 6/25/08 Techie postscript: gotcha picha, lady. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I flew into Austin on Friday 4/18, meeting Dad at the airport, then on to my sister's house outside Austin. Siesta is part of the afternoon routine there, so Dad laid down for a nap, and I went up to my oldest niece's room to try it myself. But I work all day, and found I just couldn't sleep during daylight. I never did acquire the nap habit. I met the weekday nanny, a very nice lady, and watched my nieces romp on a trampoline out back. Memaw came over; she's fun. After the siesta, Sis came home from her shop, and her Mr. was able to get away from his desk, and we all piled into the large vehicle. That's Sis, her spouse, Pup (aka Dear Dad), me, and the two little nieces. We went out on a mission: acquire dinner & terrorize some waitstaffers. I got an absolutely sweet pic of the girls together, it's my desktop now. This was almost all we did all weekend, with varying members of the troupe stepping in or out. We hit the IHOP with Memaw but without the older niece. I made some progress on the socks, no pics while in TX nor since. I guess it would be nice to see some knitting on a knitting blog.... when I figure out how to make it work.

Monday, April 21, 2008


I'm back home again, after a much too short visit with my sister & her family, & Dear Old Dad aka "Pup". We ate out a lot, and probably got banned from 3 different restaurants in the Austin area. We are nothing if not loud. Today was a killer; my three-year-old niece finally decided it's ok for her to talk to me. On the day I had to leave...after being in the same house with her since Friday. And since she's only three, and our method of storing long term memory alters around 4, she won't remember me next year. Le sigh. But the older niece did remember me, and was just tickled to get to see "Auntie Ann" again. She had a sleepover scheduled for Saturday, and went out the door wearing a sweater I crocheted for her a couple of years ago (it still fits!), the brand new felted hat I carried down to her, and carrying a teddy bear I made when she was about 3. Girl knows how to warm a knitter's heart, all right: just wear or carry all the handknits or crocheted items that she can! Well, I'm beat. I still have one more day of vacation, so I'll try to get back to this tomorrow.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'll fly away

I still haven't packed, and now the DH says we're gonna have to be out the door by 5:15 a.m. if he's dropping me at the airport before going to work. I figure I've got 3 hours to pack before dropping into bed at 8 p.m. Pardon me while I scream. %#(&%%$! Whew, that's done. I did the grocery shopping; I don't want the poor dears to starve while I'm out. I spent about 3 hours on Ravelry this morning, got so involved I forgot my coffee. I've checked, the TSA says I can carry my knitting on board, which is good. Looks like my airport time will be about 3 hours, without a computer. I may not be able to post while I'm on the road, so if you're looking for me just be patient -- this is going to be a long weekend. Well, time to pack.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The day the earth stood still

I don't know about you, but I'm marking the calendar: the first post to my blog, Tres Divine, in the same week that I started knitting (human-size) socks & saw the Yarn Harlot at Borders, and got my invitation to Ravelry. The planets aligned, folks. And better still: I'm on vacation! You have my permission to goof off, unless you are in my family. (Sorry, roomies.) Tomorrow I pack, then head 'way south, for a visit with family. This is a bit in the order of a command performance, Dad having provided a round trip ticket and reminded me that I have a niece I've never seen. Months ago, I knit & felted some hats for my nieces, and now I'll get to see them receive their hats. I've also got some crocheted Christmas stockings for the folks, some tiny crocheted teddy bears, and other fiber goodies. Maybe I can teach a niece to knit...I should probably pack with that in mind.