...or, A Long & Winding Road. My plan for today's post is to catch y'all up with what's happening at Chez Divine, which is lots. Some of it's good news, like finally hearing from the insurance company representing the goofball that ran his truck into my car, way back in June. They've accepted liability! We may actually see some $ coming in for repairs! The Purl will be patched up & stylin' again. Then there's bad news: The Plaidman has had a pain in his back (and my backside!) for a couple of weeks, which he thought was due to all the overtime he was working. Last Friday, he stayed home from work because he got dizzy & nauseous when he tried to back out of the driveway. We made an appointment to see a doctor on Monday. He got a bit better through the weekend, until 4 a.m. Sunday. He woke me up so I could carry him to the ER. The five hours we spent there were in vain. His blood pressure was very high, which concerned the ER staff (notice I don't say "the doctor") and us, since he's always thought his pressure was normal. They treated his blood pressure, and gave him meds for a back sprain/pulled muscle. He had a chest Xray and a CT scan of his chest, & the NP said to follow up with his physician regarding the blood pressure. So home we went. DiscoDame & I went off to the laundromat without him. Monday morning Plaidman went to the doctor, who got the CT scan faxed over from the hospital, and diagnosed pleurisy with bronchitis -- so NOT A PULLED MUSCLE, and with the CORRECT TREATMENT our patient was feeling much better by the time I got home from work. But he's off work at least until next Tuesday, per the doctor's orders. We're hoping he's got enough vacation time to still get paid for the week, plus for our excursion to Texas. Which brings us to more good news--we're ALL flying to Austin next month, and we'll run down to San Antonio while we're there. I have been working on some drop-stitch scarves for Sis, and I've got one (of five) dolly blanket ready for Princess T, and I sure hope I can get something together for Miss A as well. I had bought some books for her, but one of the furballs we live with puked on one, and the other has gone missing--it's probably hanging out with the missing library book, under the couch or behind the computer hutch.....I'm afraid to look, in case Jimmy Hoffa's there too.
Yesterday was my birthday! I love birthdays, just can't get enough of 'em. The Plaid Patrol went out to Red Lobster last night, and I got birthday swag consisting of a large handful of knitting notions & two nice books. I got Color Style by Pam Allen & Ann Budd, and The Best of Interweave Knits also by Ann Budd & Pam Allen. I think there's a hint in the first one; I suspect Plaidman would like a "plaid" sweater or kilt socks. Plaidman got one of these books, and DiscoDame bought the other; it wasn't until I showed them the covers that they realized both books were by Pam Allen & Ann Budd. I had a phone call Wednesday at work, from DiscoDame, requesting names of some of my favorite authors--I only gave names from the world of knitters! And I'm not sure I even mentioned Pam Allen, though I did mention Ann Budd -- and I spelled her name. LOL.
Friday the 25th DiscoDame & I went to Threadfest, over on Knowles. I found out about this event on Ravelry, and attended last April's event. This time we got there early enough to find some yarn! So I got a bit of that, then checked out the fabric samples, with the idea of making some roll-up needle cases. I'm really not much into sewing, but the patterns I've seen for them look pretty straight forward. I've seen examples using fancy linen napkins, which already have the edges hemmed, and found a lot of samples with edges already whipstitched. Most of what I bought was upholstery weight; some had smaller samples of other colorways attached, which I think might be used as pockets. Anyway, DiscoDame is interested in the idea, and we'll probably work together on them. I'd like to make one for myself, and another for a knitting coworker. Well, that's for another day! I also found a terrific stash of knitting & other craft magazines, including some from 70's & 80"s, and one Christmas craft magazine from the late 50's/early 60's which is about 3 kinds of crazy kitschy! Some of the stuff in it looks like the kind of thing my Mom used to make for the holidays. Kinda brings a tear. So, after Threadfest, DD & I headed home for a brief rest, then went to the TACA Fall Crafts Fair over in Centennial Park. Plaidman had an appointment over at the hospital (NOT the same one that mis-diagnosed his back pain!) for a heart CT scan, to check for plaque. So the ladies went unescorted--and probably saved some money that way! It was raining, but just barely. Still, the crowd was pretty thin. I did buy some handpainted yarn, and even stepped outside the aqua/teal/turquoise/green range (I know, shocking!) for a change. My new addition to the stash is a lovely combination of camel, burgundy, and navy. Wow, I just realized: this used to be one of my favorite color combos, when I did a lot of crocheting. I guess I'm reverting?
One thing both the "bad" ER and his doctor agree on: his blood pressure's too high. Plaidman's going back to the doctor on Monday, to follow up on the bronchitis & pleurisy, and get the results of the CT scan done Friday, to check for heart disease. He's offically been diagnosed as having high blood pressure. We've had a talk about his need to cut back on sodium, possibly on fats, and those coffin nails he uses. We'll know more Monday evening.
DiscoDame is done with her schooling, and just needs a signature or two to graduate! She'll have an Associate degree! And a huge loan to pay off! Welcome to the American dream, kid. We'll have to work out new terms for her to continue to live with us; the most educated person in the household should be expected to hold up her end of the household expenses. Boy, will there be a meltdown!