I restarted the Knitting Olympics vest, and I decided to just forget about the vertical stripes. I'm working narrow stripes on the light tan ground, in various shades of blue & green. I have to keep the ground color stripes fairly narrow too, since I may not have enough tan and can't buy anymore. Wouldn't you know it, the weather's finally turning towards spring, so this vest will likely be too warm to wear once it's finished. That's ok, I'll have a new vest to wear in the fall. Once I get this silly thing done, I'm off to the races on the Drops lace tank -- which will likely be done about next fall, when the only way to wear it will be as an undershirt/camisole. Le Sigh!
I'd like to visit Bliss Yarns Thursday, just to sit 'n stitch with all the gals there, but for sure I'd want to buy more yarn -- and I can't afford to. Truly, I don't need more yarn! I can't even find enough storage for all I got, and I still haven't unravelled all the thrift sweaters I bought! I've been thinking of them lately, just itching to get them frogged & clean the yarn & wind it up...
Haven't a clue what I'll do with any of it, but once it's all clean & either in hanks or wound into balls, I'm sure I'll think of something.
I looked at CAP's budget sheet for Excel, even saved a copy for the Man with a Plan, but I'm not sure if the Plan is more than "hey, maybe we can pay another bill or two next week when you get paid." He's not into actually committing a plan to paper, just not his thing. If I have to do all the actual planning & budgeting, I'm going to be a real witch on wheels. I tend to get entirely too tightly wound about money, (Ya think?!?!) so asking me to be in charge of paying the bills is asking for one grumpy Momma. And when Mom's unhappy, God help anyone who smiles in her vicinity.
Let's think of more pleasant things, shall we? I picked up the Spring Vogue Knitting at the store -- just a little morale boost, you understand -- and wow, have you seen the nice lacey patterns? Looks like fun. I'd love to be working on my lace tank right now, but I'm blogging at work and the only knitting I brought up here is the Knitting Olympics vest. Not lacey, just soft & chunky (I resemble that remark...).