Way to go STEELERS!! Heading to the Super Bowl again, let's see if we can make it our own for the 7th time. Pup & I talked on the phone after the game, both of us just tickled to see Franco & Rocky come up to congratulate "the boys". The Jets couldn't keep from tripping on their own feet, except for about a 10-minute interlude of having "it" together. I should have taken some pictures; both DiscoDame & I were in team gear. Pup has another bit of memorabilia that he wants to send, which will likely wind up in Disco's room. Her door has "Steelers Nation" and a logo displayed.
Of course, I knitted during the game--it's got so I really can't watch TV without some knitting in my hands. I'm still working on the Diamond Chain Lace stole, but I'll have to put it aside for a while as I have a commission for the Sgt. He'd like two more hats just like the two I've already made for him, thank you. Wouldn't be a problem if I could just locate the dang pattern! It's basically a watchcap, with ribbing that is first increased then decreased so that the large ribs are leaf-shaped. I'll have to go on Ravelry & see if I can find a link to the pattern on my projects page.
Thanks for the comments!
May I suggest getting an RSS reader--Google Reader is nice. Then subscribe to the blogs you read often. Reader will let you know when there is a new post available.
Many of my favorite bloggers post less and less, but I don't have to check the actual blog and become discouraged. Reader does all the checking for me.
I wish I could install such a reader, but most of my InnerWebs time occurs at work, and they're not too keen to have me do that. Thanks for the thought; if ever I can get the web at home again I'll probably do this.
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