
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Throwing in the towel

Dear Loopy Ewe(s)
I'm sorry but I will not be completing the third Camp Loopy project, due by 9/15. You see, I'm about half-way thru the Every Way Wrap made in a wool/angora blend (bunny fuzzies!), and have just discovered that there's a major misprint in the key to the cable pattern chart. Now, I've been ambivilent about the fuzziness of the yarn,thinking it was obscuring the stitches so that it was hard to see the cables, and with this new-to-me info I see that I've made all these cables incorrectly. This version of the EWW will make a trip to the frog pond. I'm ready to start over with some Paton's Classic Wool, which should have much better stitch definition, but there's no way I can get it done in two days. The angora blend will have to wait for an appropriate project, which I hope to find soon -- it is teh beyootimus! and so so soft! So, alas & alack, but no Project #3 this year. I'll likely try next year.
Best wishes,
A completely frustrated knitter

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