
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Once more, with feeling

Yes, they are.  Just wanted to let y'all know that Disco & I will be participating in the Race for the Cure for the Susan G. Komen Foundation again this year.  We'll be stylin' and profilin' in some hand-knitted accessories in PINK-is-not-my-favorite-color.  She's scaled back her ambitions from last year, 'coz the 5-K walk just wore her out.  So we'll be walking together on the 1-mile loop!  And I'd love all of you to join us -- there's almost certainly a Race for the Cure in your area, if you're in the US of A.  Or you can skip the hard labor, and just open your wallet.  Google "Susan G. Komen Foundation, (Your town)" and find them locally.  The great thing about the Komen Foundation is that so much of the funds raised are used locally -- we're helping our neighbors, folks.    News on the knitting front:  two days ago I finished the other sleeve (actually, the other other sleeve...) for the Peerless Bunny Hop, looked around for the first (erm, actually 2nd...) sleeve, and could not find it at all.  Knitter meltdown ensued.  I have been looking everywhere for that #&$%%*# thing!  Disco found it last night, about 15 minutes before my bedtime -- too late to start the joining row, but hey at least all the parts are in one place!

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