I'm thankful that I have access to to not just one, but two, very nice LYS's that are close enough to be able to run by when I think of it, and not have to make a special trip that will put a kink in any other plans for the day. XOXOXO to Bliss Yarns in Brentwood and Haus of Yarn in West Nashville! Bliss replaced my broken Addi, and agreed that there seemed to be a burr on the tip just at the join. I can continue the Quest for a Perfect Peerless Bunny Hop. Oh joy.
I'm thankful that my health is pretty good, no more than a bit of ol' Arthur Itis to complain of. I'm thankful that my family's health is also OK, altho the Plaidman has had a bad bit of bronchitis (and just can't seem to remember to use the inhaler prescribed--grrr!). I'm thankful for a new friend at work, who's also on Ravelry! altho she's a crocheter, so I need to bring her over to the Dark Side.
I'm thankful that I can continue to work & bring home the bacon, as well as the occasional sack full of yarn. Speaking of which, I bought 3 skeins of Cascade Eco+ to work on an AIDEZ, for MEE!!! Woot! I have to move some other things from the WIP column to the FO column before I can get started, but I am excited!!
What are you thankful for this holiday season? If you leave me a comment (that I wouldn't be embarassed to publish), you could have something else to be thankful for -- just sayin'!