Last Friday I submitted to a CT-guided biopsy of one bony mass on my hip. Dog, that was one unpleasant experience. For starters, I had no pre-op instruction such as "Do not eat!", so I ate a cup of yogurt at 5 a.m. The procedure was scheduled for 8 a.m., and I had to arrive at 6 a.m. for all the paperwork processing, and to allow the radiologist to view the CD of my earlier CT & MRI scans. Hey, I had a greatest hits CD!! Folks who know me, know I cope with humor -- even very bad humor. As soon as my breakfast became known, the service was postponed to 11 a.m. I was confined to a very uncomfortable gurney from about 7 to 11. The only bright spot was finding Shark Week on the Discovery Channel (we're Luddites, and haven't got cable at home), very cheering altho rather bloody. The rest of the Plaid Patrol was present, but took turns running down to the cafeteria for breakfast. Some 36 years ago, I herniated a lumbar disc, and have not been able to lay on my stomach since then. So, when I finally rolled into the CT procedure room, I was appalled to learn that I'd have to be on my tummy for the whole thing. And the CT table is very hard. They kept promising me some good drugs, otherwise I think I would have made a run for it. So, I'm on my tum, with an extra cushion under said tum, and the gown opened in back, and the nurse tells me the table is defective in that it won't slide back under the CT scanner unless I can pull my arms off the edge to a "Superman" pose -- does she know I've got a broken C-7 vertebra? Much groaning followed. Well, the whole thing took about 40 minutes, and the drugs were good; I dozed a bit near the end. I had no pain from the needle aspiration biopsy itself, but every core collected involved a loud crunch -- let's try not to think about that too much. This Friday, I'll discuss the results with my Alpha Team Leader (oncologist), and we'll make some plan. Enough of this topic.
Yesterday I found a "fatal error" in the second sleeve of the Gramps Cardi, so it's been frogged & restarted. I looked at a lot of my knitting books & magazines yesterday; I still have so much to knit and possibly even less time to do so. I surely wish I could get Disco interested in knitting, I hate to think my rather large knitting library and collection of yarn will go to some stranger. Maybe I should consider destashing?
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