What do we have today, that we didn't have yesterday? A sane, decent, ADULT man in the Oval Office. Thank You, Lord, for letting me live to see this day. If the arthritis weren't such a drag today, I'd do the Happy Dance. Close your eyes & imagine it. Then do it for me!
Did any news outlet cover the exit of the T-rump? I've had CNN on almost all day, not a peep from them. Plaidman says it was briefly covered very early this morning. So...before I got up & greeted our new day. I don't think I missed anything, except a chance to make raspberries at the TV.
Speaking of the TV, it works a heck of a lot better since we got off the dish network. We've found one really fun thing to see, The Watch, based on Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. And one super scary series, 30 Coins, which is about hellacious (literally) interest in the 30 pieces of silver paid to Judas for his betrayal of Jesus. We've encountered a similar group of stories in the Harry Dresden books, where each coin has a fallen angel within. The difference in the books is that anyone touching a coin falls under the influence of its demonic angel; so far, that isn't happening in 30 Coins. But I've only seen two episodes, so it could happen.
I have found it hard to knit through either of these shows. I don't speak Spanish, so I have to watch the subtitles in 30 Coins. And the accents of the Watch are difficult to follow without visual clues. But what fun, seeing some of Sir Terry's work realized on the telly! Ooo, the oven's come to temp; perhaps dinner will arriving soon.