
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

further developments

Our new oven was supposed to be installed yesterday.  The handyman sent by the big box home goods store discovered that he could not slide out the old oven, because it has a kickplate, which will require a professional installer's work.  I got to thinking that maybe all we need (for the oven) is a new door.  I've looked at a couple repair sites, and don't think it would be beyond the capability of the Plaid Patrol to lift off the old one & hang a new door.  So, I do some shopping for an oven door.  After about two very frustrating hours it becomes clear that an oven door can't be bought online.  One may buy all the parts of a door, but who wants to put it together like a jigsaw puzzle?  I found a repair service that specifically lists oven door replacement in their services, and expect to work out a suitable time for them/him to come help us.  Then we'll call the big box store, cancel our order & get our money back.  Piece of cake.
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Disco suggested that the Plaidman requires supervision when operating the oven.  I have to agree.  He likes to bake breakfast rolls a couple mornings each week; Disco & I will have to look for the tins in the fridge, and get him to do his baking  in the evening, since he rises a lot earlier than we do.
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Every time I pick up Sis' wrap, I want to change it.  I just can't get happy with it.  Maybe sampler blocks would be more interesting?  I've a tonne of patterns for such.  I'll think about it.

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