
Monday, March 29, 2021

Not fishing

It's called fishing, not catching.  I have been fishing through the On Demand on our service, for a show we started watching last fall.  I am delighted to say I found it!  We here at Chez Plaid are completely underwhelmed by sitcoms and the mostly - scripted "reality" shows.  We do watch police drama series, even the ones in syndication.  But it's really nice to see something new (at least to us) that isn't directed at the lowest common denominator, with a canned laugh track.  So now we have several series available: 30 Coins, Banshee (how did we miss the first 3 seasons?), Debris, and  Britannia.  If Animal Planet or Nat Geo or SCI channels don't interest us, we can dial up a drama.  Whew, that's a relief.
So how's the shawl coming along?  Well enough, considering I work on it every other day, and only for a couple hours at a time.
I'm using the Cranberry  (1st photo), Winter Night (3rd pic), and Plume (4th pic).  The 2nd pic is of River Rock, looks darker here than IRL, so did not quite suit.  I have a good quantity of the Gloss fingering, and have an idea to use the River Rock in another pattern, but will need some white as well.  It's cool, I have Knit Picks on speed dial.

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