I finished the red hat, well sort of...the ribbing isn't snug enough to keep the thing on my head, so I'll need to get some elastic thread and make some adjustments. I'm pretty sure I can just thread it through the purl bumps on the inside of the brim. The weather is trying (& failing & trying & failing..)to change over to spring-like, so I'm not in a hurry for the hat or it's coordinating scarf. You know what, they can both go to the hibernation pile. I started knitting Tropical Lily for Niece #2, and ran into a problem--I lost a stitch somewhere. I'll have to try to slip a smaller circular needle into a row several below where I stopped, always a fun maneuver, which may be a little trickier with the Cottontots yarn. This can't go to hibernation; it's got to be sent off before her birthday. But I've been so tired in the evenings lately that I haven't started trying this fiddly bit. And last night I just wanted to knit something..so I dragged out a project from hibernation: the Feather and Fan shawl! Oh, I love my shawl; I love the Lornas Laces Baltic Sea colorway, I love the weight of it, I just don't know if I can put off finishing this shawl while I get on with more timely projects. Decisions, decisions!
I went into Bliss Yarns yesterday, to ask what their plans were for WWKIP day. So far, they have no plan at all. I'd really like to attend a knit-in at Centennial Park, if "someone" will just do the work of getting it together. I don't want to be the organizer; let somebody else do all that stuff, I just want to attend! And for pete's sake, don't make it a knit for charity event! Or at least, offer that as an option only. I have never knit or crocheted for charity, although I do give away most of my handiwork. SO! I'm in Bliss Yarns, and while I'm there I gotta check out the 50% off room. Big mistake. They had Jagger Spun Zephhyr in there...colors in the basket were mushroom and petal pink. I picked up two balls in mushroom, then checked out the mini-wall of bins. There's a yarn I'm forever picking up, fondling, then putting back: Garnstudio's Silke-Tweed! I got two each in shades 02 & 07. I figured I'd better get out before I spent all the grocery $, so up to the counter with my finds I go. There's 3 balls of the Jagger Spun in aqua sitting up there, so I ask if it's actually being purchased. The gal who was holding it wasn't sure about the color; she brought up the stuff she wanted to match & we looked it over. Turns out she only wanted enough for a scarf, so I got two more balls in aqua! Woo-Hoo! and Aaacchh! for the budget. I really need to get a handle on the yarn purchases. The only part of this last purchase that I have an idea about it the Drops, which will be socks...someday.
Well, I've got to get busy on some housework now...I know, what a drag. Close your eyes, it'll be over soon.
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