I have signed up for the Yarn Harlot's Knitting Olympics. Fear & trepidation fill my heart...but it's a good thing.
In other news, The Plaid Patrol has hispeed interwebs now! Woohoo! We be in the high cotton now. Last night I downloaded two pictures to Flickr in one minute; this would have taken two or three hours on the dial-up.
That, dear friends, just uploaded to Blogger in less than a minute. This is a Drops design, for a lacy tank top. I started it last summer, and worked on it pretty digilently for a while, until the dreaded holiday knitting just couldn't be put off any longer. Before you get the wrong idea, this tank top is not my Knitting Olympics challenge. I may finish it after the Olympics.
And that is the obligatory orange cat that serious knitters must have. A story: while the cable guy was in the house, this little kitty stayed out in the living room and even sniffed at the man. Meanwhile, the 15 lb monster kitty went into hiding. Go figure.
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