This Thursday, we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the good ol' US of A. A lot of employers allow their staffs to bring in & share food during the week, and for our department this is the day. I took a couple of "before" pictures of my plate, and plan to snap one "after". Yes, I'm blogging at work, but I have my "Break Time" sign up at my desk so it should be ok. Blogging and eating; I think I need a bib.
I worked a lot of overtime last week, was up in the office both Friday & Saturday. I was nearly done Friday when DiscoDame called to say that Plaidman was going to drop her at the library (she doesn't drive!) & go to work, so could I please come pick her up later, and by the way, what's with the box of yarn on the front porch? I knew nothing about a box of yarn. Turns out I had a "run-by yarning"; the neighbor lady had been to a yard sale & bought me a box of assorted yarn! Wasn't that lovely? They're both such nice people. I see lapghans in their future....
"So, CeltChick, what's new on the knitting front?", you ask politely. We-a-l-l, it kinda stalled this past weekend because of my work schedule, but I will be burning up the needles this weekend. I did finish one pair of mitts, and got to start the thumb gusset on another. I plan on two more pairs of mitts; after that I want to work on something else for a bit! Maybe hats, maybe bookmarks or headbands/earbands (depending whether the recipient is a gal or a guy!), nothing as big or time-eating as a scarf. I have a hard time deciding which items to knit after the mitts. Hats are really pretty quick so I think I'll do 4-5 of those.
I got on Facebook weekend before this last one, to find a quick note from The Amazing Abigail. I did write back, but as I haven't been back to Facebook since I don't know if she got my message. It occurs to me that she'd had her internet priveleges pulled; I sure hope she wasn't cheating on her punishment! Oh yeah, The Amazing One gets punished now & again. Sis is watching out for her nestlings.
Now, time for gratuitous kitteh pics:

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