The dearth of knitting has come to an end (I hope). I picked up the slippers I'm working up for the Plaidman, knit a row or three, and put them down again. Didn't knit for another week, then this past weekend I worked up an entire 16 row repeat on my Every Way Wrap -- I'm back, baby! And back in business.
The daffydillies suffered only a little from the frost & snow of this past freaky weather week. I have them mounded beneath the maple tree. Lawks, we've been in this house a long time: I used to be able to reach all the way 'round that maple, now it takes two people to hug that tree. And it survived having a lot of it's roots dug up when the septic field needed re-digging. Right after that event, a pair of woodpeckers took up residence there -- I get such a kick from watching them at the feeder! They hang almost upside-down from the edge of the feeder tray, and will stomp their way around it to find what they like -- and to chase away blackbirds & jays! They don't bother the littler birds, just the big greedies. If only I could get a picture, but they're very shy of people.
Lord help us, the entire Plaid household (well, excepting the cats) has been caught up in the Malazan Tales of the Fallen, which is a fantasy series by Steven Erikson. There are many, many very thick books--the first few of which are largely responsible for the lack of knitting lately. Plaidman & I are taking turns requesting the next two in the series, from the library. We love our library! Speaking of which, I've a return notice in the email--three other books are due back this weekend.
I have one more Friday to work, before my coworker returns from her extended trip. She's adopting some sisters from a foreign land--I won't say more here. But I know these little girls are going to be blessed, to be in their new home! Easter is going to be terrific in her household; her own kids are all boys, so I'm guessing she'll have a ball dressing her daughters for church. Nana (my dear departed mother) used to dress all five of us kids, for Easter Sunday. She made a lot of the dresses we four girls wore, but didn't sew for our brother--dresses = easy, trousers = hard to make! I have a photo of us, with girls in bonnets and "spring" navy cloth coats, and Brother in his little suit. Put that on the to-do list: find the family photos & scan some of them so y'all can take a look!
Glad you got your mojo back. I'll have to look that series up, I love to read. The birds sound funny. I love to feed our little song birds, they are so pretty. I bet she will have a wonderful time! I have a friend who has 4 boys and she had a little girl last year and she dresses her up in the most frilly dresses! Please post the picture I'd love to see it!
An addendum: My coworker had some trouble with the two Latvian girls (sisters) she was trying to adopt. However, she's coming home with a different girl, a little bit older & seemingly a lot mellower! Congratulations to the "new" parents!
Yup, I will be at the mid-Tenn fiber festival at the end of May. We are actually going to have a booth, so do stop by and browse the book.
I just started knitting again myself. The book ate three months of knitting time :)
I stopped knitting for a while too...glad we are both back to, um, normal?
Howlies are fun to shaping :)
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