I haven't knit a stitch in a week -- I'm about to expire from withdrawal symptoms. Lots of projectts started, none of which has managed to fire up the knitting mojo. Instead, I'm thinking of going to the Middle Tenn Fiber Festival, to take Fleegle's class in supported spindling. Must. Resist. Urge. To. Spin!
My daffydils are blooming. They started budding the middle of last week, and over the weekend they opened up their trumpets. The Lambs' Ears at the porch front look truly ragged, even though the winter has been super mild. Doesn't matter, before the end of June I'll be digging them out of the yard--they kinda want to take over! I'm probably going to dig up what's left of the pussy-willow, which is now an all-u-can-eat for the Japanese beetles. If they'd only learn to eat honeysuckle....I could stand to have less of that!
Disco & I cooperated on a crock-pot lasagna, ala A Year of Slow Cooking (http://www.crockpot365.blogspot.com/), and ate like pigs -- it's abfab, I tell ya!
I have nothing to say about the so-called Super Bowl (pffft! as if it could be super without the Steelers!), because even tho it was on the TV and I was in the room, I didn't watch.
1 comment:
My daffodils are blooming too! It's supposed to be in the 60's by Thur here so I'm sure they'll spring into full bloom then. I love them! Don't you just hate those beetles?!? They eat our roses when they come out.
Middle TN huh? I've lived in every part of TN. West in Munford, not far from Millington-my dad was in the Navy. I lived in St. Joseph near Lawrenceburg in the middle and now I'm between Knox and Chatt.
Hope you find your mojo soon. I will have mine as soon as I finish my book! I am feeling better, thanks for asking!
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