
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Bunny Hop

Oh boy!  The first two, and especially the second one, have more accurate color.  Since these were taken, I've put the body on a long stitch holder and started a sleeve.  I'm not allowed to bring a camera as such into the workplace, so I took these out in the parking lot and left my camera in the car -- I know, I'm lucky I still have it.  I like this yarn, which is Spud & Chloe Sweater.  There's just a bit more superwash wool than organic cotton, so it's soft, but breathes.  And yes, it looks like the ribbed hem will be "rolly"; sure hope it'll block out ok.  
Plaidman has assembled his Birthday/Father's Day gift: A Ryobi 4-cycle walk behind string trimmer!  He's been having problems using a trimmer that's carried, as the vibrations make his arthritic hands go numb & super stiff.  Disco has been told that her part of this gift will be learning to use it & spelling her Dad.  I can just see her tumbling into the drainage ditch with it....

1 comment:

Delly said...

Oooooooo Pretty! I do love a good rainbow project! xxx