
Monday, June 17, 2013

Can you feel it?

I'm so excited: this Thursday & next I'll be taking a class in Fair Isle knitting!  AND it's at my most favorite LYS ever: Bliss Yarns in Brentwood.  Late last year I asked a Bliss staffer if they could/would add such a class to the schedule, and if so could it be in the evening.  I'll be able to have a quick bite between work & class, and the rush hour will be long over before I leave Brentwood.  I'm totally pschyed. 
The Plaidman had about two weeks of "his" day (June birthday, Father's Day), what with having to buy him a new phone about two weeks ago, followed by getting the new string trimmer the second weekend of June, and then plying him with chocolates & browines & new shorts yesterday.  All in all, a good haul for the old dude. 
I'm still plugging away on the Bunny Hop, got one sleeve just over half done.  I did take some time to swatch with some Paton's Wool & size 8 bamboo circular, for the Fair Isle knitting.  This quickly devolved into me practicing some Continental knitting & purling for a while, to get used to using my left hand to hold yarn. 
I've noticed that a lot of the bloggers I read regularly seem to be taking the summer off...kinda disappointing, but totally understandable for the ones with young children; summertime is often a special family time.  I'll be glad when the kidlets go back to school, I guess!

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