
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Knitting challenge for the duration of the Olympics

 My challenge to myself this time is to finish as many WIPs as I can.  So...during the Opening Ceremony I wove in ends on my beautiful Janet Beret, then during the first commercial break I tossed it and a lacy headband into the sink for a nice soak.  I left them there for about 30 minutes, and at the break after that I put them into rinse mode.  After a few minutes of draining, during which I collected an old towel, both got rolled up in the towel and squeezed nearly dry.  I pulled out one of our 12" plates. s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d it over that huge plate, then threaded a tapestry needle with about 5' of size 10 crochet cotton.  Using that folded in half, I put the needle through all the edge stitches around the brim, then started pulling -- and pulling -- and pulled the opening closed to about 6" across.  I tied a bow in the crochet thread.  This opened up the lace, and drew the brim down so it would dry smaller, and fit better.  Which it does!  Love it when a plan comes together.
I've worn the headband to work, it looks really nice and as I recall it was a really quick knit.  The only issue I have is that the lace I used is stockinette based, and wants to curl in at the side.  Blocking improved that, and of course you won't see that when it's wrapped around a skull, so it's ok. 
2/20/14 Update:  Over the weekend, Disco presented me with two pairs of fishhook dangly earrings she'd made for me!  I wore one pair up to the office yesterday and had 3 ladies ask if she had anymore ready!  Are you listening, DiscoDame?   I need to get some pictures, and put them here.  Also, Disco has said she'd model the Arden mitts for some photos, and I mean to hold her to that. 

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