Greg Allman passed. I'm so close to tears every time I think it. I've seen the Allman Brothers in action several times, always loved them. Every time, it was such a mellow occasion. RIP, Greg.
I've been having some problems with the sneakiest fatigue at the office, one minute reading a report and the next snoring!!! This lead to me taking some FMLA time daily, so I can come in later. I know that music can keep me awake too, but we're not allowed to play our CDs on the company's PCs. What to do? I bought an iPod shuffle, and for a tech-challenged person like me it's been a nightmare. I worked on it today from about 11 am until frustration just got too high at about 3:50 pm (yes, damn near 4 frikkin hours -- what can I say), when I asked my DD to take over. It took her about 15 minutes to figure out what went wrong: the power cord wasn't plugged in completely. After 4+ hours the *%&)* thing still has to be charged. BUT I did get some music onto it (I think...), and hopefully will be able to use it tomorrow. We'll see.
Tonight we start the finals!! I live in Nashville, but my heart is always in Pittsburgh. HR has said we can wear gold "to support the Predators" all next week -- but I'll be in black & gold! I need to decorate my cubical too.
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