
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Another thing

Novartis Patient Assistance Foundation has put on a burst of speed, and delivered the first box of my 2021 prescription already! I'm so glad that will not be a concern during the holiday. Disco hasn't been feeling the holiday much; she's usually dragged the "tree" out of the closet by now. She did ALL the holiday decor last year, a valiant effort to instill a little spirit into her creaky, cranky old roomies. We may swing by an outdoor lights show at the fairgrounds. There was one in 2018 that was terrific, only the road in was way too small to handle the traffic. We spent more time waiting to get inside it, than actually cruising the drive-through show. That particular show has been moved, hopefully somewhere that can handle the traffic. The fairgrounds show is new this year, but I'm not sure it's drive-through. I should check.

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