It's a bit on the Seinfieldian side -- not much happens, but it's funny anyway. The Plaidman has been going deaf for a while now, and we're just living with it as best we can. DiscoDame & I aren't above getting a laugh out of his problem(s), far from it! I guess this "running gag" started in 2009, when we had dinner at Richard's (local Louisiana fare). There was a live band, and the only open seats were at a large table just half-way back into the dining room. So, there's a large expanse of table between us, and we're trying to have a bit of conversation with the deaf guy--an exercise in both hilarity & frustration. At one point, Disco said something to her Dad & got a puzzled look from him. Just then there's a lull in music, and he asks her, "What about Canadian sign language?!?!". She puts one hand behind her ear, asks "EHYA?", and then she & I just died laughing. So Canadian sign language has becoume our little way of ribbing the Plaidman. Many, many years ago he & I were listening to the radio in a car (long since gone!) that had no air conditioning, and he almost wrecked us because he thought the basketball team being discussed was the Hamilton Road Apples. (I heard the ad as Hampton Road Admirals, which turned out to be correct.) Wait for it. Two evenings ago, the chitchat over supper turned to March madness, and some team's miscue lead to the Plaidman saying that the Hamilton Road Apples were using Canadian sign language to communicate their next move. Rimshot! Yes, the Plaidman can even use our mockery of him to make a funny. BTW, thanks to all for sending good thoughts out on his behalf; he's much improved now, and is going today for a follow-up visit to his primary provider. I hope he remembers to call me after his visit, but I'm not holdling my breath--he'll likely go home & turn off his phone!
Not much to report on the knitting front, still plugging away at the pink stole. Last night I flipped through some of the knitting magazines I've got, looking for a beret pattern with some lace, that I could work up in place of the failed Janet beret. I will keep looking, there's gotta be something nice for Miss A.
3/26/11 ETA: I have selected another pattern for Miss A's hat, the Gwen Slouchy Beret, which I'm working up in Bamboo Ewe in a pale turquoise color. Let's hope this doesn't turn out to be a beanie!
Newsflash!: The drawing for the giveaway did not go off as planned. The stitchmarkers weren't ready, and without posting a picture I didn't feel like I had something to give away. Anyway, I've extended the deadline for comments on the 2/26/11 post to 3/31/11 (midnight, CDT). Please go & re-read that post, as I've editied it to show a picture & explain a VERY SPECIAL GIFT that will be in the drawing! Good luck!
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