That was always my Mom's advice. I've got to pat my family on the back, because this week there's been a terrific effort to make up some healthy & tasty dinners. The crock-pot has been in use, as well as our large stockpot. We've had 16-bean soup, with country ham for flavor, of which I've carried some to work for lunch. Last night we had a concocted soup of andouille sausage, kale, and potatoes & seasonings -- but not the seven-spice powder we'd just bought at the World Market in West Nashville. It was delicious. We also bought some tahini & chick peas; I see hummus in my future. The Plaidman got a little snippy about the questions & comments I had re: the 16-bean soup -- maybe I should just back off! But he often leaves out any seasoning, or adds it with such a light touch that it has no effect on the flavor. He knows I don't want my food really spicy hot, but can't seem to grasp that moderate seasoning adds savor.
So, now I'm thinking of Thanksgiving, and we always have to decide whether it'll be turkey or ham for dinner. There's just the three of us, and no room to entertain anyone else, so it'll have to be one or the other but not both. I think it was last year that I cooked a turkey breast in the crock-pot, with a lot of garlic and sage and .... other stuff that I wish I'd written down somewhere, because that turkey was memorably yummy. We had a sandwich or two out of the leftovers, but still had plenty left that weekend. I decided to put it back into the slow cooker, with kale and carrots and more garlic and .... more stuff that I wish I'd written down, because the resulting soup was EPIC. And will likely never be repeated.
I've been knitting a little at night, working on Nancy Bush's Estonian Lacy Shawl and some rather plain socks, just K2P2 ribbing but knee length. I dug my wooly warm mistake rib scarf out, and have been enjoying it the last couple of days. This weekend I've got some vacation time, and will try to get the Gramps Cardigan closer to being finished. When I tire of working on that, I'll wash & block a couple of FO's. Should be fun, as one is lace but I've no blocking wires. Sounds like I need to invest in them.
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