I've been looking all over for you! And if you believe that, I know where there's a bridge for sale, real cheap.
Firstly, the Knitting Knews: I have just 9.5 rows left before binding off my Honey Color Affection! Woot! Not sure if I posted when I bought the yarns for this wrap, but it was sometime early last summer. I'd been eying the pattern for a long time, not sure if I liked it or not. Bought it last spring, and had to mull over what colors. The point is that I had these yarns in hand lo-o-o-ng before we bought our new house, and the new furniture for the living room. Our new living room has ivory carpeting and pale grey walls (super neutral, we haz it). The sofa is a medium grey, and came with extra cushions that are grey on one side and a print of grey, ivory, tan, black and caramel on the other. The coffee table and end tables are a medium warm wooden stain, close to the caramel color of the cushions. About a week after the furniture was delivered, we put an afghan over the back of the sofa, in light orange/dark brown/ivory ripples. Well, the Honey Color Affection coordinates with all these colors. I guess I won't bother putting it away in a drawer; once it's blocked, I'll just drape it over the sofa or the drapery rod. "Instant" (HA!) decor. If my camera ever decides to come out of hiding (seriously, I've been looking for it for 3 months!), I'll put up some pics. I have cell phone pictures, but they are blegh.
Next, we'll discuss the silliness that is the Plaidman. About 2 weeks ago, he broke a molar. That was on a Friday night. He thought it was just chipped, as it didn't hurt. Over the weekend, it started hurting. He was able to get in to see a dentist just around the corner from the house, and got the bad news: that molar was cracked top to bottom, and had to come out. It came out in pieces. At about this same time, Plaidman's diverticular disease started flaring up. The dentist gave him an antibiotic script, to make sure there'd be no infection in his jaw. Well, it also sorted out his diverticulitis! He's much better, back to eating anything at all -- so we won't have to wait too long for another episode.
On to my favorite topic, DiscoDame: the handmaid that won't do housework. The whole point of getting a place with the third bedroom was that she would keep house for us, in lieu of rent. She did get some employment "nibbles" recently, and I hope she'll follow up -- if she's not doing housework, she needs to pay rent! I had to do the dishes last night, which would not be so bad except the dishwasher hadn't been emptied in about 3 days, nor had any dirty dishes been put through the cycle. We had so many dirty things on the counters, after fillling the washer, that I had to fill a sink and wash a bunch by hand. But it was all clean, even the counters, when I was done! Disco, if you're reading this you need to stop reading & go do some work!
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