
Monday, June 1, 2015

I had to quit

No more Fuzzhogs for a while, please!  What with the neuropathy in one index finger, and the grand total of 18 of the silly things...I can barely make a fist.  I will certainly return to this pattern later. And I have so many other issues to contemplate this week:
    We're getting ready to start intensive ICD-10-CM training at work, and I'll be on vacation next week.
    I'll be flying out to visit Sis & her family (and a mysterious "friend" who's staying with them).  I will miss Nashville's fairly lame WWKIP Day.  I'm hoping that Austin's will be a bit weird, in keeping with that town's reputation.  We may never I'm not sure I can talk Sis into attending.  See, she's (oh the shame!) an ex-knitter!  And I think she still harbors a bit of the "knitting is for grandmas" attitude, which means it definitely can't be for her.  I think she's been trying to turn back the clock since she was 26.
In preparation for the trip, I went to the Goodwill on Saturday, and tried on 18 pairs of shorts so I could take home six.  All went in the wash when I got home.  Then I dug thru the "craft" room boxes and found my purses.  I set up a cleaning & conditioning station at the sink, with a camp chair, a 50/50 solution of white vinegar & water, several soft cloths, and some coconut oil.  I cleaned 15 purses.  Two were of man-made material, so they were just wiped down & dried off.  The leather goods were wiped & dried, then had a thin coat of oil applied & buffed in.  There were two more purses in the closet, both of fabric, and one that's in current use -- I didn't want to empty it.  All told, a couple of hours of work, and now I have lots of clean purses.  I think I need to select 5 and mail them to Sis' so I can have a good selection there....Or maybe Sis will give me a purse or two; she's been feeding my addiction that way.  Love you, Sis!

On a more somber note, I've been seriously considering frogging the Honey Color Affection.  It is just so small...not that I've blocked it yet, maybe I'll try that first.  I was really hoping for something bigger than a scarf.  And I don't like the bulky edge where colors were carried up the side.  I love the colors, and love them together, but this pattern is supposed to use what, 1200 yards of fingering yarn?  I didn't use more than 700 yards.  And followed the pattern.  I am scratching my head on this one, but I can tell you that the other one (my Jadeite Color Affection) will be knit on bigger needles, and I may not carry yarn up the side.

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