
Monday, May 10, 2010

Commisioned work

One down, one in progress. Miss A's hat has been delivered to her and she looks GREAT in it, don't know if she'll let me take a cellphone pic or not but I got shots of it before delivery:

*** I am plugging away at the other commission, another baby hat. The Granny brought me some Deb Norville Serenity sock yarn:

It's self-striping, and honestly? It looks absolutely dreadful as a baby hat. Also, it's so splitty that I made the Plaidman look closely at the label and repeat the name, then told him to NEVER BUY this stuff for me. He said he'd actually looked at it in the store, but didn't buy it because it was "pricey" (at about $3.50 per ball!). Then I told him to compare it to the absolutely lovely ShiBui Knits Sock, 100% merino, ever so much nicer--which was probably a bargain at over $10.00 a hank! Quality counts, folks!
EDTA: Speaking of quality, DiscoDame now has her diploma! Check it out:


Sarah {The Student Knitter} said...

YAY! Congratulations on graduating! It's a great feeling, isn't it? I think I see "something something design." What's your degree in? :)

discodame said...

I got my degree (at last, at last)!

DiscoDame is ready for work now.