Ok, there were a lot of plans made for the weekend, but not much got done. The first Once&Future sock was into the ball of the foot, had about a half inch of slip stitch reinforcement knit there when it occurred to me that the balls of my feet are really rather sensitive. So I pulled it off the Addi, frogged back all that heavy-duty slip stitch, oh so carefully picked up all the free stitches & got back to work again. I might have finished it, except that Disco & I made another run to the library (about 3 hours there) on Friday, followed by a couple hours in the grocery. So not too much knitting done Friday. Saturday I was doing pretty well with it, until Disco reminded me that we had discount movie passes & could we please use them? Another 3 hours shot out of my life, what with traveling to & from the mall and watching Robert Downey Jr be super bad. Sunday morning I got up early & knit for a few hours, then got dressed (what? you don't sit around in your housecoat on Sunday morning, reading the paper & watching TV?), then spent a very warm afternoon cleaning the kitchen & cooking dinner. I wanted to be sure dinner would be ready when LOST came on. DiscoDame & the Plaidman were out doing laundry in the afternoon, dinner was mostly in the crockpot. And there was NO way any of us would miss LOST. *sigh* I guess that's another hour of knitting time each week, since it's all over now. We may as well sell the TV, there's not much else we watch!
What are my plans for this coming, extra-long, weekend? Well, I'd like to hem at least two pairs of trousers for work -- I bought some last year (!!!) that I never did hem, partly because I knew I needed to lose a few pounds to wear them comfortably. I weigh 12 lbs less now than I did last summer, and these are summer-weight trousers, so now would be a good time to get them into wardrobe rotation. I'd like to hem the winter trousers I got this past fall (I've been wearing them with faux cuffs pinned in them!), but as they were a bit big on me before & have only gotten bigger maybe I'll have them taken in first. As far as knitting & knitting related projects go, that socks need to get along; the thrift store sweaters need to be raveled & washed & wound, the lace tank should be brought out of hibernation, and Plaidman's alpaca/silk sweater should be started. Whew! You'd think it was time to start Christmas knitting...or is it!
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