Knitting, crochet, and whatever else strikes my fancy. I've been a blog stalker, infrequent commenter, and now I'm out there, baby!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Best wishes
Well, this was supposed to get some pics & go up before Christmas, but I got busy & the blog fell by the wayside. So! Happy New Year!! Part of the busy-ness I was going through had to do with Plaidman's health: He started having severe pain in his back, and with his history of kidney stones it wasn't too hard to figure what might be happening. Of course, he suffers for two weeks before he decides he's gotta get some medical attention....and pisses & moans the whole damn time. After visits to no less than 4 different medical facilities, his diagnosis is back strain -- he pulled a muscle. I'm about to pull my hair out, over his $*&%^#( pulled muscle. Of course, I carried knitting to every facility, 'coz I'm still working on DiscoDame's lovely alpaca scarf. The plan is to have it for her by 12th Night, and it's 33" long now, and I may be able to get the other 27" from the 2nd skein! Which would leave me two skeins for another (MINE!) use. Yahoo!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Weird vibes
I wish I could stay awake & alert longer during the week; I actually made notes on Monday about things I wanted to mention here. Of course, it's now Friday evening, and I have no idea where my notes are...But I do recall that The Shoe Thrower was gonna be a feature. I kinda cracked up when one newscaster mentioned that "in that region" throwing shoes at someone was an expression of contempt. YA THINK!?!?!? Hey, newsnerd, I suspect it means the same thing pretty much wherever it occurs. And WTF was the Secret Service doing, that this guy was actually able to pitch the second shoe at our President? Uh, fellas, he was throwing stuff at the Chief Exec! What if there had been something other than stankfoot inside either of those shoes? (Be afraid, be very afraid: President Cheney!!!!) What you want to bet those agents are working in the "company" carwash now.
In my last post, I mentioned the possibility that I'd spend more time crocheting. Well, I found the cutest free patterns on Annie's Attic (they have a new one daily!), for tiny crocheted stockings. They're ornament-sized, and just adorable. I wonder how quickly they work up? I'd still like to give handmade gifts to my co-workers, even if the gifts are just tiny things. Ornaments would be cute. I've also thought about making some of the Minutia sweater ornaments from the Berroco website. Oh, and I finished my reg & green slippers! and they are long enough, and come up high enough on my ankles, that I skipped the crochet mesh & I-cord lacing around the ankle. I've been wearing them all week. I should be wearing them now. I'm still working on DiscoDame's scarf (the hat's done), but I've finished the Wool-Ease hat for Plaidman, and started another in a different color. So, what have you been up to?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Now with 15% more crafty-ness!
The Plaidmobile should (cross fingers, knock on wood!) be ready for pick up this afternoon, if the shop wasn't just blowing smoke up the Plaidman's arse. We took the rental car back last Monday (that wound up costing us as much as our deductible on the car insurance), and have gone an entire week with just one car. So no Sit'N Stitch this week, and very few extracurricular activities at all. And this is truly the BEST TIME OF YEAR to have massive added expenses... I was soooo happy to get paid for the crochet stockings, I told Donna that now I could go grocery shopping--I wasn't kidding! But I think she thought I was, or hoped I was.
I still haven't gotten the Wool Ease Thick N Quick I need for the Plaidman's hat; if I can get DiscoDame up & moving I'll head over to the Hobby Lobby. Yes, I know Angel Hair Yarns is going out of business & has a huge sale, but I don't think they carry Wool Ease. Speaking of the DD, she's been commenting on my blog--as if we don't speak regularly or something! I wouldn't mind seeing some other comments too--I have been making a point of commenting on some of the other blogs I read, so maybe someone will return the favor. But lordy, I only have time for surfing the innerwebs on the weekends! Somebody needs to bring high-speed access to Joelton, TN! Actually, I haven't checked for hi-speed in a while, so maybe someone did? Hope springs eternal.....
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Need that fine adjustment tool....
In the knitting news, I've started yet another pair of the funky slippers. These are in Christmas red & green, 1 strand each, worsted wt acrylic. I'm knitting both at the same time on sz 9 14" plastic needles. I've modified the sides by adding two stitches each side, so they'll rise higher on my ankle--yes, they're mine! The last pair I made were supposed to be mine, but are too short & I don't want to futz with taking them apart. I intend to knit the newest pair to 8" from cast on before I start the toe decreases, and by working both at the same time I hope to eliminate the unequal lengths I've been getting on all the previous pairs. AND there's more Christmas knitting: The Dame needs a "real" nice hat & scarf, so I'm making a set for her in brushed alpaca--YUM! What lovely stuff it is! Absolutely feather light, but oh so warm. I sure hope she takes good care of it. The Plaidman needs a seriously warm hat too. We found an appropriate pattern, but I'll need some Wool Ease -- yarn shopping!! Yippee!
I have about given up on the idea of handknits for all in my dept. at work -- that's 18 people, folks! And I'm just one knitter, running out of time. So what to do with the few pieces I've finished? I'm real tempted to store them for next year, & just say I got an early start. Why not? Because it feels like cheating, I guess. I think I can get over it, though.
The Pupster called Thanksgiving day, & I have not yet responded. I'm a baaaad daughter, I know. But geez, if you could hear the message he left--he sounded half stoned. He was visiting some friends, and I guess they got him hammered. Sure hope they let him stay the night! I should call.
Friday, November 14, 2008
More fun than.....
And this one (we knew these guys were approaching...):
Lots of vehicles with lights & sirens, some marching bands (White's Creek was the sharpest group--GO COBRAS!!). It was fun, and patriotic. We stood on the sidewalk in front of the First Baptist Church, and the daycare was turned out to watch the parade--what cuties! We thought it might be best not to take their pictures, but enjoyed their reactions to all the fun.
Speaking of fun, guess what the Plaidman did on Wednesday? He hit a deer! He & DiscoDame were coming home from the library, it's already pitch dark, and a &*#^&$ buck jumps out of the ditch right in front of the Neon. Fortunately, neither of them are hurt; but the buck's hind legs are both broken. Poor thing tried to get up, tried to drag itself the rest of the way across the street. The lady in the car behind the Neon pulled over, got out & tried to guide the beastie back to the ditch. Some folks living near came out, then went back home & got a firearm to finish off the buck---and took it home for supper! I'm glad it didn't go to waste, but I kinda wish I knew how to butcher a deer. Anyway, we're down to one car and playing phone tag with the insurance estimator. Wish us luck.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Has it been that long?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Birthday Swag
N Bitch"
Sunday, September 21, 2008
An FO (sort of)
And I couldn't be happier about it. Never mind that it looks lonely, it's mate is already underway. I've also started another pair of the funky slippers, in shades of burgundy, orange & light yellow acrylic yarns from the oldest parts of my stash. I didn't even list this stuff on Ravelry, since I don't usually think of using it anymore, but it's the bees knees for the slippers I'm making. These things are just terrific stash-busters, and so giftable too. I wore mine up in the office the other day, 'coz my "new" cubby hole is in a sometimes chilly spot. Also 'coz the wedge heels I had worn were too tall to let me use the footrest under the keyboard tray. The slippers were nice & toasty.
Those purpled ones are now the property of the DiscoDame. I need to make some up for the Plaidman; I'm not even going to try to make them plaid!
Speaking of the stash, I got kinda wild & crazy over at DBNY, to the tune of $114.00 worth of yarn. That's 3 full bags of the angora wool blend, and some nice wool-mohair-silk blend laceweight. I am nuts. But then DD walked in with the mail, including a card from my Dad -- with a check for $100.00 inside! Thanks, Pup! Saved from the guilt, by a birthday gift that couldn't have come at a better time! But I am still nuts. Sugar, the old man's only been back to work two weeks, and one of the VPs doesn't like him (? how could anyone dislike the most easy-going but hard-working dude in the world? what's wrong with this guy?), and bills did get put on a back burner for a while....but I gotta get my yarn. Actually, I think I might need a life.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
It's Friday if I say so..
And that's the way I roll. I work 4 10-hour days, and Thursdays are my Fridays. Or at least, that's how it's supposed to work, when we don't have a holiday during the week or the end-of-month rush under way...seems like I wind up working about one Friday in three! But not this week, baby! I left work and started on my vacation week, perfectly timed to coincide with my birthday mid-week. However, I am planning on going in to the office on Wednesday, as there are two teleconference seminars being offered that day, and again on Friday but just for another 1-hour teleconference seminar. I wish I had the noive to show up in my PJs!
With the Plaidman back on the job, I'm feeling less stressed. And with most of week off work, I guess I'll destress to the point of becoming limpid. And I'll be knitting! and crocheting! and maybe cooking several meals & freezing them for those days when I'm just too frazzled to cook. I have been knitting, working on some more of the fun-ky slippers. I took a finished pair into the office today, for when it gets chilly. The plan (and you know I loves me a plan) is to finish the Charming mitts, knit another 6-8 pairs of slippers, finish 5 XMas stockings, make 6-9 berets, finish the muff for Miss Reese, figure out what to make for the other Butler kids, and make something for M & her baby boy. Damn. It's a good thing I've already scheduled another week off, or I might just have to run away & join a circus.
The DiscoDame got another "talkin to" about her showers--Plaidman expressed it succintly: if she showers for 45 minutes @ 8 gallons/minute, she'll fill the septic tank and can expect backflow. Eew! I hope she takes it to heart; she's killing us with what it costs to bathe! Currently, she's in hiatus between quarters at school, and we'll get to spend the week together. Five whole days of just the two of us, with no other adult supervision--I should maybe get some Xanax for the cats? And hey, what about those cats? Wanna see some pictures? Sure you do!
Friday, September 12, 2008
How to put this...?
OK, I said I bought some Red Heart, and yes it's a Super Saver. It's the bright white, needed for my Christmas stockings. The progress on the stockings: I now have 50 granny squares about 4.5" on a side, in various combination of red-green-white rounds. That's enough squares for 5 of my big stockings. The next step is to stitch 10 groups of 5 squares together in socky shapes, half with the toe to the right & half with a left toe. I just have to make myself do this, and it ain't happening today. In other craft news, I went to the Sit 'N Stitch last night. I hadn't planned on going, but after work I got to talking with a coworker, and in the midst of our conversation I found myself wringing my hands repeatedly. That sign means I NEED TO KNIT! So I rushed on over to Bliss Yarns, and borrowed a set of needles & some unidentified bulky yarn, and started knitting Aunt Maggie's slippers. It was a good night to be there, as we had a demonstration of the use of a portable Ashford loom, by a really wild & crazy kinda gal--she talked about gamers & DragonCon & other stuff that meant jack to me, but the loom was fascinating. I can so totally see me weaving on a loom; I'd have to research Celtic patterns & figure out what plaid to make for my Plaidman. But if I were to take up another yarny craft right now, I think it would be spinning. One of these days I'll make one of those CD spindles I've seen on the innernets, score me some fiber, & give it a whirl. Stop laughing, I mean it! Anyway, while I'm there anyway, I have a peek at the sale yarns. One of the other knitters (newbie--first time using dpns) came over to the sale section with me, and I pretty much talked her into buying some Karabella laceweight mohair. Sigh. I wanted it, but I have entirely too much mohair on hand as it is; besides, I wanted the Berroco sox yarn, so I got two balls of that and the Magic Loop booklet. So I've totally blown the yarn diet. Oh well. I will master the Magic Loop, and start turning out socks, by golly!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
2 much fun
Earlier I found my Pirate Name, which is Captain Anne Bonney. It's from's "What's My Pirate Name?". Dumb bunny, I didn't post the result here. Anyway, there really was a pirate by the name of Ann Bonny; you could google her. The Plaidman's pirate name is Mad Harry Flint, and the DiscoDame's is Red Bess Bonney -- which so suits, 'coz she's my red-haired daughter. That's her on the right in the header. So after getting my Fairy Name, of course we had to have 'em for the whole tribe. Here's The Plaidman's:
And that's probably enough of that silliness.
Okay, for a laugh, go over to 144 Inches of I-cord & get the Hurricane Party Bingo. When my sibs & I were little bitty kids growing up in western Pennsylvania, my Mom used to open up the front door (locking the screen door! She was a pretty sharp cookie.) and set up our little chairs in front of it during thunderstorms. We loved the light shows! Then we moved to Indiana, where you know you'd better start digging when the sky turned that terrifying purple-green color. Mom was scared of storms there. Now Dad's in San Antonio--hey, Pup, ya still worried about the drought? Didn't think so! Fortunately, Little Sister & her brood are further inland. And Little Brother's in Oklahoma, so I'm not too worried about Gustav or Hannah clobbering him. We finally got some rain--about three days of it, thank you very much! I have been driving the Plaidmobile for two weeks, as Purl (aka the Malibu) had a bad connection in the taillight on one side, and somebody who's home all day every day couldn't be bothered to get it fixed until I finally told him he'd have to, 'coz his car's tires are too worn for driving in the rain! It was scaring the beejezus out of me, driving in the rain! in Nashville (home to all those folks who found their licenses in Cracker-Jack boxes...)! Now Purl needs another bath before I drive her to the office, I will try to get that done this long weekend. If I can rig a tarp to give her some shade, I'll even reapply the wax.
Uh-oh, I've been knitting again! Mom used to knit up these really simple, funky slippers for us kids, and I found a pattern that looks an awful like what she'd knit. So I'm working up a pair, out of stashed acrylic yarn, very bright colors. They are every bit as simple & funky as I remember them. And I thought, "Gee, the powers in the office are shifting our dept. back to a colder area, just when it's about to get colder for a while---these silly slippers would make nice pressies for all for the holidays." I know for fact none of my co-workers are reading this, so they'll be pleasantly surprised. Did I mention how warm these goofy things are? I do want to dress them up just a little, by making a crocheted edge around the ankle & running an I-cord thru the loops (make 'em fit a bit better!). You know I can't just make the pattern, come on now!
Well, I either need to get back to Ravelry, or go knit something...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
3 days...
I've also done some crocheting, still laboring on the FIVE big granny square stockings for another coworker's grandkids. She's keen on having them look kinda hokey & "homemade", so the simpler the better. I usually get a bit creative in the process of putting the squares together and finishing the top. Last year I put a button near the top, and made a button hole in the hanging loop (made rather long too!) which she liked 'coz she could hang the filled stockings on the kiddies' bedposts.
I have been hinting about a certain knitter with a September birthday (ME!ME!), who might like to have a swift & a ball winder. I've thought about it, and decided that if I can have only one it's got to be the swift. I can wind a pretty mean center-pull ball by hand, but haven't yet found a good place to hang a skein for winding. In a very small house with two cats, there may not be a good place to put a skein for winding. I have one chair that will do in a pinch, but the bending & stretching gets old real quick.
We did not go to the movies this weekend, but lately we've seen the Batman movie, and WALL-E (too cute!), as well as Hellboy: The Golden Army. Nifty effects, some wild Del Torre weirdness, kinda sappy story. Speaking of Del Torre, he's acknowleged in a book the Plaidman & I just got done reading, Baltimore, or, The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire. What a ride! The end left me nearly breathless, it's a shock for sure. It's a collaboration between Mike Mignola & Christopher Golden, neither of which I've heard of before.
What else has been going on? Well, I saw my doctor last week for a problem, which turned out to be something she wasn't set up to handle, so she referred me to a dermatologist. This dermatologist was supposed to call me to get an appointment set up, but never did. Then, the first doctor's staff left me a voicemail telling me when the appointment was scheduled. Excuse me, I don't have input as to the date & time? Both of which were inconvenient; I called the derm dr's office to reset the date so I could see her on a Friday (my day off from work), but she only sees her "cosmetic" ("Botox") patients on Fridays, and wouldn't see me but M-Th, so I cancelled the appointment. Probably dumb, as it usually takes forever to see a derm dr in this town. Anyway, I start calling around, and find one who'll see me on a Friday in October, to which I agreed. Then, this past Friday, I go see my regular dr again, for fasting bloodwork that was missed in my physical, and have to explain to her that I'm not real happy with being told when I will see another dr, and that I have taken the liberty (with my body, how dare I?) of making an appointment with a physician other than the one she wanted me to see. Well, I hope I survive till the middle of October, I tell you what!
Still haven't had my evaluation from my supervisor. The Plaidman is still unemployed. The DiscoDame still hasn't tried to get work. And I think I twisted my ankle on the way to the grocery store today. Boohoo. What else? I got my driver's license renewed, complete with truly awful picture--I think the photo tech's trained to capture our worst facial feature, which in my case is the HUGE double chin. I look like I have a goiter.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
A Mishmash of Milestones
1. I went to my oncologist for the last time in July; he says I've "graduated from the program" and am now an Official Cancer Survivor. I took his picture! 'Cause I'm not gonna see him again! Can't say I'm sad -- but what do I do now? I've been reading Crazy Aunt Purl, and feel like I need to stop thinking of myself as a cancer survivor, and get a post-cancer life!
2. This afternoon we (meaning I) decided that the sticky tree sap & it's assorted buggy diners had to come off the cars, so we washed both of them for the first time ever. Well, actually, we had put the Neon thru an automated touchless wash, but all that did was make the stuff stickier--it did not actually wash anything off the car. What a nasty mess! We had to get the squeegee from the gas station & clear the windows. So today we practiced,"Wax on, wax off".
3. I completed my 18th employee self-evaluation and turned it in. I swear, I'm going to start saving these things, & just update 'em each year. Personally, I think after 18 years at the same employer I should be exempt from this silliness. I'm running out of ways to toot my own horn.
3a. I am having entirely too much fun on Ravelry. OK, that's not actually a milestone, but I had to mention it. Last weekend, I got on Ravelry about 9 p.m. Saturday, and didn't get off until almost 2 a.m. Nothing could tear me away. The stupid part: I really want to spend more weekend time knitting, but it's hard to knit & scroll at the same time. The Forum Funnies are just deadly sometimes; I loved the thread about the tire-eating goat. Made me want to go out & get some goats, just so I could have funny stories to tell about them.4. I just found out that my favorite LYS, where I first started branching out into nicer yarns & where I found a friend in the owner, who later sold the store to another very nice lady, is going to change the name of the store. Somehow, the name change seems like a break in the last link to the former owner. It's another one of those events, where the world moves on whether or not we want it to do so. I will still frequent the store; I have other friends there and it's so very close to the office. *Le sigh* I suppose I'll get over it, the next time they have a good sale.
5. A few months back, we found out that one of our old time buddies had moved back into the area (well, not Nash-Vegas, but Hopkinsville). We went to visit a couple of times. He'd remarried, and the gal he was married to also had a cancer history. A few weeks ago she passed away. We did go to the funeral, and I think we should head up there again soon to check on our pal. It's not like he's clear up in New York.
Does anyone else (over the age of 35) still get a bit jittery at milestones? Does it matter whether they're "good" ones or "bad" ones? Dare I hope you still do?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Long time no see you
Somebody will be surprised. Or I could just call on her at the hospital. Anyway, it's nice to be closing in on actually finising anything. The hours during the week are not conducive to writing; I'm usually pretty tired by the time I get back to base. I've been looking at dish & washcloth patterns, thinking some small yarny things could be worked up now for Christmas. Maybe make string bags for all our shoppers, a couple of berets (with scarves?), anything fairly simple & quite small that could be finished in couple of evenings. That's the plan, anyway.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Picture day

Chez Divine has hit the road lately: we went to the opening of the new planetarium at the Adventure Science Center last weekend, which was really wonderful. We probably spent too much $, but hey, it was educational. And Friday we went back to Science Center, to sit on their lawn & watch the fireworks over downtown. The Dame & I sat working on needlework before the show. And last night we went to see Wall-E -- my, it's just too cute. I was wondering about Wall-E's "pet" cockroach, but it was a very Disney cockroach.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
New Frontiers
Picture! from 6/26 photo session, showing my lovely WIP, the Moc Croc sock(s). Yarn is Regia Design Line, by Kaffe Fassett.
While on vacation (-at-home), I wanted to wind up some skeins of lace weight wonderfulness. I figured I've got two roomies, that's two sets of arms for living swifts. The roomies aren't exactly thrilled, but I had a thought: If they're really unhappy with being swifts, maybe they'll get me a real one? Only time will tell....
Monday, June 23, 2008
MocCroc redux
I'm on vacation again, and got to spend some "quality" time with my Darling Daughter (aka DiscoDame). She had a final exam this morning, & I had an errand to run, so I carried her to the bus stop & proceeded on my way. Got back to Chez Cracker Box & worked on the sock. DD called much later to let me know she was heading for our rendezvous point. I'd made a grocery list, so the plan was to meet up & go Krogering. We made a fuel stop first (golden arches), then strolled down towards the crosswalk--only we had to make another stop. There's a really fun little shop there, full of knick-knacks & wild looking jewelry, and tons of other fun stuff. We musta killed an hour there, continuing our usual pattern of cracking each other up about every 5 minutes. So, following her 11 a.m. call, we made it home from Kroger about 4 p.m. Oh, and I remembered to stop at the library: I had an item on hold, that was now available.
I'll miss George Carlin. His questioning of our use of language, his sharpness about it...and so damned funny! The first time I heard the Stuff routine I about choked. And I still remember the Hippy Dippy Weatherman. Well, tonite's forecast is damned dark without his light. God rest you, George.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A nice day
After I'd visited & knit with some lovely ladies, I got to cruise through the American Artisan craft fair. I loves me a craft fair! I made a purchase, some lampwork glass bead earrings. The Plaidman ran into an old friend, and brought him by the canopy where the knitters were parked. Lordy, how Time has beaten us down. Ol' Roger the Dodger looked a bit rough, but seemed to be getting around alright on his electric scooter. It's something to see: a mid-50s long-haired hippie on a scooter. Just let that visual sink, I did not take his picture! I did take some of the knitters, and I will have to go by Angel Hair Yarns sometime to share the pics, since I can't figure out how to get pics into this blog! I worked on the (in-)famous Moc Croc sock -- yes, there's still only the one. But I'm getting very close to the toe! The next pair will be done two at once, on a pair of circs or a magic loop.
The Plaidman is still not working. The DiscoDame is still in school, but will have a week off that will coincide with my vacation week, which means we'll all be rattling around Chez Divine making each other nuts. I guess I'll be glad to go back to work. Or just anywhere else, for that matter. If you were on a really tight budget, and had 10 days off in a row, where would you go? Would you set up a tent in the backyard, & camp out? I will be reading Ms. Cheap's column for ideas, but feel free to chime in if you've got any.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
It's my party.
In the Into Each Life A Little Rain category of news, there will be no trip to Texas in our foreseeable future. I had no sooner booked & paid for airline tickets, then the Plaidman brings home the proverbial pink slip. I will be working all the OT I can tolerate for the next unspecifed length of time. This will undoubtedly leave me cranky all week, and I'm so glad I'm not one of the people I live with. On the plus side, when my vacation week rolls around, I know I'll have plenty of time for knitting. Or crocheting, or pretty much whatever else amuses me. I figure I'm being paid to have a good time, and by the goddess, I'll have it! And there's the little matter of being THE breadwinner of the household. I have a tee shirt that sums it up: You can agree with me, or you can be WRONG.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Progress--two steps up, one back
WWKIP is just around the corner! June 14 is the date. I'm going to break with my "tradition" and pass on Watertown this year, in favor of staying a little closer to home. But as there's an artisan festival in Centennial Park on the same day, I figure I can kill two birds. I'm still working on the first Moc Croc sock, but I think I can finish it before then. I'd like to working on the second sock by then. I have been considering frogging the feather & fan shawl back -- waaaay back -- to even out the break between one skein & another. It wasn't super noticeable with the first 3 skeins, only the 4th; but it's really awful. I thought I'd frog back half way through the 3rd skein (!!!!) and start alternating sets of rows between the 3rd & 4th skeins. I can't express how thrilled I am with this prospect, it ranks right up there with a root canal for sheer thrills. Every time I've had to rip part of this shawl, it winds up spending months in the frog pond. I. WANT. TO. WEAR. MY. SHAWL. I need to get a grip & just do it. Deep breaths, people.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Tomorrow, the DiscoDame turns 25! A whole quarter century ago her "Dameness" came into the world. What a long strange trip it's been.... and that's just my view; she seems to think she'll always be under 30.
I haven't heard anything from my Dad about visiting again. I guess I should write to him & let him know we're staying closer to home for the vacay. It was awfully nice of him to offer his digs, but we just can't go the airfare. The Plaidman's employer has cut operations back to 4 days a week; this is actually quite common for this business--they always seem to have at least one slack time every year. I just hope their salesforce gets it together & gets 'em some work. Thank goodness my employer's not cutting back. In fact, if the mayor & police dept. here get their way, we may have more work coming in. The mayor wants to give the police their own DNA lab; one of our doctors already heads the medical examiner's office & for sure a DNA lab would be in his purview.
Well, since we're celebrating tomorrow, we have to get all our chores done today, and that's the end of this story.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A big kiss for Betty
My Dad invited me, Plaidman, & the DiscoDame to come stay at his house for a week. I'm not sure we're gonna go--the airfare will be about $1000, and Plaidman's employer is a little shaky lately so we might want to tighten the belt a bit. I guess I won't be ordering yarn online for a while. That's ok, I have plenty of yarn, the library's got all kinds of pattern books, and if I get tired of the selection of yarn & books, there's always the kntting blogs online for entertainment.
Go call your Mom!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Love a plan?
Well, I have no idea whether that worked or not. (It didn't--gotta get my tech consultant over here). 6/25/08 Techie postscript: gotcha picha, lady. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I flew into Austin on Friday 4/18, meeting Dad at the airport, then on to my sister's house outside Austin. Siesta is part of the afternoon routine there, so Dad laid down for a nap, and I went up to my oldest niece's room to try it myself. But I work all day, and found I just couldn't sleep during daylight. I never did acquire the nap habit. I met the weekday nanny, a very nice lady, and watched my nieces romp on a trampoline out back. Memaw came over; she's fun. After the siesta, Sis came home from her shop, and her Mr. was able to get away from his desk, and we all piled into the large vehicle. That's Sis, her spouse, Pup (aka Dear Dad), me, and the two little nieces. We went out on a mission: acquire dinner & terrorize some waitstaffers. I got an absolutely sweet pic of the girls together, it's my desktop now. This was almost all we did all weekend, with varying members of the troupe stepping in or out. We hit the IHOP with Memaw but without the older niece. I made some progress on the socks, no pics while in TX nor since. I guess it would be nice to see some knitting on a knitting blog.... when I figure out how to make it work.