When I left the house this morning (about 0 dark thirty, which is an expression I've used FOR YEARS and I should so sue somebody....), the rain was slight to moderate & spotty. Of course, I don't rate a window or even an outer wall, so I never know what the weather gets up to while I'm stuck in my cubicle. Anyway, I called the Plaidman to review his plans for the day, and he told me the snow (Snow!?!) was already melting. No snow fort this year! Boy that brings back a memory: I know I was pretty young, not yet out of elementary school so this had to have happened in Pennsylvania. Dad used to watch for the snowplow to come down the street, and slip the driver some cash to plow our driveway. We'd have these two huge mounds of snow across from each other at the end of the driveway; instant snow forts! Just climb to the top and level it a bit, them back down a few steps and stomp that area flat, then make a slough of snowballs and the war was on! We'd hollow out small snow caves on the backside (where did ya think the snowballs came from?); Mom used to worry that one or all (5) of us would be buried in a collapsing mound. It never happened, but I did lose a boot that wasn't found until spring. Snow suits, we hadz them. Disco hears this kind of story from both her parents, and she seems to think it must have been fun, but she'd rather not go outside in "serious" snow. Just a southern belle, she is.
ETA: I just realized I forgot to mention the "progress" on Pup's Steelers socks. It's sorta two steps up & 1 back: I'd started over, as reported earlier, and had about 4" done for these men's size 10.5, when I had a thought. Why not get the Plaidman to try on what I had done, just to make sure it would go over his size 8.5 heel? No sooner thought, than done! Unfortunately, it would just barely go over his heel. Back to the frog pond it went. I wound the yarn into a hank on the swift, and washed it the next day to relax the kinks. In the meantime, I wound up a whole new ball of the yarn (I have 6 skeins!) and started over with an increased cast on. It's now about 3" long, and will go over the Plaidman's heel quite well.
Knitting, crochet, and whatever else strikes my fancy. I've been a blog stalker, infrequent commenter, and now I'm out there, baby!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Save a life
If you have a few minutes, and can spare just a few dollars/euros/rubles (whatever..), won't you please visit the Susan G. Komen Foundation (http://www.komennashville.org/make-a-donation/) to save a life? You could be making more and merrier holidays for many families. What a wonderful feeling that would be!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Why is that?
Miss HinkyBoo aka That Fat Cat tried to become a parrot twice (!!) on Sunday morning. It's not bad enough that she waits till my back is turned before launching herself from the end table to the back of the computer desk chair (where I was goofing on the computer). No, she then has to ooze down the frnt of my housecoat to my lap, preen for 10 minutes, and then climb back to my shoulder. Folks, fifteen pounds of kitteh won't fit on the shoulder of a gal only 5'1". She pretty much has to lean on my face to make it work. I couldn't even think about taking a sip of coffee -- it would have been coffee-laced cat hair!
The knitting mojo wandered off somewhere over the weekend, I didn't touch the needles until late Sunday. So no actual progress to report on any of the projects I've planned.
The knitting mojo wandered off somewhere over the weekend, I didn't touch the needles until late Sunday. So no actual progress to report on any of the projects I've planned.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Picture Time -- check yer cowlick, honey
The sun came out for a few minutes, so we have picture time! I recently restarted a pair of socks in my size, in a very citrusy colorway. This is Red Heart’s Heart & Sole, but as the ballband is long gone I couldn’t tell you a color # or name. I’m working Mellis’ Socks from Kristin Benecken/Wollkistchens Pattern, and I think they look great in this colorway:
I also restarted the Steeler’s (Claudia’s Hand Painted) socks for my Dad, using a pattern called Cenotes by Linda Jo Park aka The Bead Knitter, because the 2X2 ribbing was just too boring for words. I haven’t gotten very far, but already like this pattern a whole lot better:
And I kinda fell down the rabbit hole, agreeing to make a woolly headband for a coworker’s niece. I’m “winging it” as far as a pattern, having only a picture of something the niece admired. The yarn is called Bazinga, by Patons. It’s very bright! The first pic was indoors, at night, and doesn’t do the yarn justice:
Hmm, I just realized that I didn’t get a picture of the button that will close this headband. Maybe next time; the clouds have already rolled back overhead.
Plaidman & I have had another discussion about his unilateral decisions, and the benefit that might be derived from running his ideas past another adult with a stake in the outcome, like his wife, and maybe he’ll remember that the next time he wants to make a major change in our financial or mental health status. Nothing like stressing the wife to the near-breaking point is to occur, ever again (dream on….).
So far, I’ve bought 3 Christmas presents for DiscoDame and none at all for the Plaidman, but there is a plan. Disco & I did go shopping last night at Stein Mart, and I found some shoes I liked, and I bought them. Don’t look at me that way; I needed some dressy brown heels.
I also restarted the Steeler’s (Claudia’s Hand Painted) socks for my Dad, using a pattern called Cenotes by Linda Jo Park aka The Bead Knitter, because the 2X2 ribbing was just too boring for words. I haven’t gotten very far, but already like this pattern a whole lot better:
And I kinda fell down the rabbit hole, agreeing to make a woolly headband for a coworker’s niece. I’m “winging it” as far as a pattern, having only a picture of something the niece admired. The yarn is called Bazinga, by Patons. It’s very bright! The first pic was indoors, at night, and doesn’t do the yarn justice:
Hmm, I just realized that I didn’t get a picture of the button that will close this headband. Maybe next time; the clouds have already rolled back overhead.
Plaidman & I have had another discussion about his unilateral decisions, and the benefit that might be derived from running his ideas past another adult with a stake in the outcome, like his wife, and maybe he’ll remember that the next time he wants to make a major change in our financial or mental health status. Nothing like stressing the wife to the near-breaking point is to occur, ever again (dream on….).
So far, I’ve bought 3 Christmas presents for DiscoDame and none at all for the Plaidman, but there is a plan. Disco & I did go shopping last night at Stein Mart, and I found some shoes I liked, and I bought them. Don’t look at me that way; I needed some dressy brown heels.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Almost there
It's December already?!?!? What the heck happened to November? Oh yeah, I remember: I worked through most of it. Thank Dog for a job & a steady paycheck; but I sure could have used a little more downtime. I have five new pairs of trousers, birthday swag (I'm a Libra), that still haven't been hemmed. I haven't even started on all the armwarmers I meant to make for the coworkers. BUT! I do have one commission -- a fluffy, bright colored, warm super wide headband for a niece (no, not one of mine -- I don't think they'd have much use for it, in South Texas). I'm using a Plymouth bulky yarn called Bazinga. It's freakin' awesome! What colors! I bought two balls, and wound up both right away. Right now, I'm alternating pulling the yarn from the outside and the inside of the ball. I think I can get this done with just one ball, if one layer is enough, but I won't mind using the other if I have to -- I'll just knit the thing twice and sew them together. And I bought the sweetest button for the back fastening, it's got a swirl of colors very similar to the yarn's, on a creamy background. AbFab, I tell ya!
The citrus-colored sock is going pretty well. I've turned the heel, and finished the gusset. Now to push on thru the foot, then cast on another. I will be stunned and amazed if I get these done before Christmas, or even before 12th Night. Pup's Steeler's sock is also in progress, tho not so far along -- after being ripped back (from a 7" long leg!) and restarted in another pattern, I've got about 3" knit. And land's sake, it had to be frogged -- that yarn in a 2 X 2 ribbing was just making me weep from boredom. I have a much better pattern working now!
We went to the movies a couple of weekends ago, and saw the new James Bond flick, Skyfall. Loved it! James Craig & Javier Bardem are both terrific. Bardem goes over the top, but in just the best way. I still get jazzed thinking about Craig's part in opening the Olympics; didn't you just love Her Majesty? What a trooper! But then there's the sad news: one of the Corgis that participated in that skit has passed on to the Rainbow Bridge. He was getting on, so it's not too surprising, but I'm sure he's missed.
The citrus-colored sock is going pretty well. I've turned the heel, and finished the gusset. Now to push on thru the foot, then cast on another. I will be stunned and amazed if I get these done before Christmas, or even before 12th Night. Pup's Steeler's sock is also in progress, tho not so far along -- after being ripped back (from a 7" long leg!) and restarted in another pattern, I've got about 3" knit. And land's sake, it had to be frogged -- that yarn in a 2 X 2 ribbing was just making me weep from boredom. I have a much better pattern working now!
We went to the movies a couple of weekends ago, and saw the new James Bond flick, Skyfall. Loved it! James Craig & Javier Bardem are both terrific. Bardem goes over the top, but in just the best way. I still get jazzed thinking about Craig's part in opening the Olympics; didn't you just love Her Majesty? What a trooper! But then there's the sad news: one of the Corgis that participated in that skit has passed on to the Rainbow Bridge. He was getting on, so it's not too surprising, but I'm sure he's missed.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
So, you know that humongous Power Ball lotto? Yeah, that one last night. I've only ever played Power Ball oh, maybe 4 times. I heard this morning that both the big winners were in other states, but that someone from my state won a million bucks. Gotta check my numbers! Sure enough, I'm a winner!! Of 7 (seven) whole dollars..... Kinda let down now....
Some of the folks back in Marketing are telling me they'd like to market my cowl. I took a cowl pattern I'd found online, and tweaked it to give a bit more coverage of the upper chest & shoulders. And it is just so light & small enough still to stuff in a pocket (it the gloves aren't already residing there). Anyway, I'll likely whip up a few to pass around, and see what develops. Hey, I won enough to buy a skein of the yarn!
Some of the folks back in Marketing are telling me they'd like to market my cowl. I took a cowl pattern I'd found online, and tweaked it to give a bit more coverage of the upper chest & shoulders. And it is just so light & small enough still to stuff in a pocket (it the gloves aren't already residing there). Anyway, I'll likely whip up a few to pass around, and see what develops. Hey, I won enough to buy a skein of the yarn!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Perilous post
I'm going to try posting, even though the library's server/innerwebs are sub-glacially SLOW this afternoon.
I have fond memories of the Cowboy Surf scarf, and a few pictures:
This third pic is the only one where he wasn't posing, for pete's sake. He's suitably grateful for a lovely, one-of-a-kind hand knit scarf; so he might get additional hand knits in the future. Wish I'd had a Cowboy hat handy for the photo shoot.
I have fond memories of the Cowboy Surf scarf, and a few pictures:
Brian vogues
Brian shows off the length
Brian works the buttons
For some reason, Brian thought these were to be pictures of him...but of course, he's the model recipient.This third pic is the only one where he wasn't posing, for pete's sake. He's suitably grateful for a lovely, one-of-a-kind hand knit scarf; so he might get additional hand knits in the future. Wish I'd had a Cowboy hat handy for the photo shoot.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Cute overload
Our neighbors have the cutest long-haired Chihuahua, and a few evenings ago he (the dog) came over for a visit. I was sure such a tiny doggie would be really fearful, but I stepped out on the porch and called to him -- I dread the thought of any small pet getting into the road in front of our house -- and the little dear came right to me, even let me pick him up! I guess he's never even been spoken to sharply; his only experience of humans is that they exist to lurve & adore him. Anyway, he made a new conquest; I almost didn't want to take him back to his home. The cats would have freaked if I'd brought him inside!
I made button covers for the Cowboy Surf's cowl buttons! Really simple, and saved a lot of hassle -- I'd looked around town for decent buttons, but none really jumped out at me. So -- I made some! Used US size 1 needles, one strand of the same yarn used (double stranded) for the scarf, and some shanked military-style buttons from my button box. Luckily, I had four alike; with the covers on 'em they're about 7/8" wide.
The Cowboy Surf is nearly ready to hit the trail! Saturday a.m. I gave it a sink bath, rinsed twice (the 2nd rinse had some softener), then I put a small folded towel over the shower curtain rod. I tossed the Surf scarf/cowl over that at about the half-way point, then brought the ends together and clipped them onto a fat plastic clotheshanger. Then I hung the wet towel, used to blot most of the rinse water from the scarf, onto the hanger's hook -- and now the Surf is drying nicely stretched out! It might be dry by tonight; I'll then check the ends to see if they need to be smoothed out with steam blocking. Then the buttons go on, and I do a happy dance. Must find the battery charger for the camera!! I'll leave the Young Gent a note today to let him know I'll want pictures on Monday.
I have a plan for the feral cats living under our house: trap & take to the pound! We've got a bit of do-re-mi saved up, and it's time to get under the house & sister that "defective" joist. I want to hire some pros, although I've read up on it on some DIY sites, which all state that a reasonably handy homeowner should be able to do that job himself. If we had another bathroom, I'd be tempted to take that route, but with just the one I want this job done !Pronto! so we can use the bathroom. Next up for the money pit: the roof. Oh my...that's gonna cost.
I made button covers for the Cowboy Surf's cowl buttons! Really simple, and saved a lot of hassle -- I'd looked around town for decent buttons, but none really jumped out at me. So -- I made some! Used US size 1 needles, one strand of the same yarn used (double stranded) for the scarf, and some shanked military-style buttons from my button box. Luckily, I had four alike; with the covers on 'em they're about 7/8" wide.
The Cowboy Surf is nearly ready to hit the trail! Saturday a.m. I gave it a sink bath, rinsed twice (the 2nd rinse had some softener), then I put a small folded towel over the shower curtain rod. I tossed the Surf scarf/cowl over that at about the half-way point, then brought the ends together and clipped them onto a fat plastic clotheshanger. Then I hung the wet towel, used to blot most of the rinse water from the scarf, onto the hanger's hook -- and now the Surf is drying nicely stretched out! It might be dry by tonight; I'll then check the ends to see if they need to be smoothed out with steam blocking. Then the buttons go on, and I do a happy dance. Must find the battery charger for the camera!! I'll leave the Young Gent a note today to let him know I'll want pictures on Monday.
I have a plan for the feral cats living under our house: trap & take to the pound! We've got a bit of do-re-mi saved up, and it's time to get under the house & sister that "defective" joist. I want to hire some pros, although I've read up on it on some DIY sites, which all state that a reasonably handy homeowner should be able to do that job himself. If we had another bathroom, I'd be tempted to take that route, but with just the one I want this job done !Pronto! so we can use the bathroom. Next up for the money pit: the roof. Oh my...that's gonna cost.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
And we're off!
But not running...I don't "do" running. DiscoDame & I both have potato chip scarves, in various shades of pink. I'm wearing mine at work today. I'll get pictures of us wearing them tomorrow. Which reminds me: charge the camera batteries! Charge the phones! Charge some more yarn online! No, wait, skip that last one. Christmas is coming, and I gotta get my ducks in a row so I can spend happily. Although it's doubtful Webs will still have any Waterlily yarn left.....*Sigh*
ETA, 4 days later: We survived. After arriving at the Race for a Cure site at 6 a.m. (it was still dark! and very cold!), we mosied over to the Survivor tent for some breakfast. At first, a couple of gals without a clue tried to keep Disco out of the Survivor area, although their pamphlet & website both said survivors could bring in one guest. Oops. Poor Disco went around the other side of the enclosure to get a pom-pom shaker, to cheer for her Survivor, while I went on in & fixed her a cuppa coffee & grabbed a muffin for her. The gals handing out the shakers asked if she was a "Co-Survivor" and she said yes, so they said she could go in too. We found a little table, which we needed 'coz I already had two bags of swag that was being handed out, both specifically for survivors. After fueling up, we took a walk around all the vendor booths lined up around the area, and collected more goodies & many more nice fabric bags -- I won't need new knitting totes for a while! Well, we were getting rather loaded down, so strolled back to the car and piled up the trunk:
Then we went back, and found another whole circle of vendors with more stuff to give away! Rinse & repeat, as it were. I had my picture taken on a pink motorcycle! But that's on Facebook -- I'll have to get it later.
Somehow, in all this walking around, we managed to find only two other walkers from our team, and the folks manning our booth. We were stankding in line at the Komen trailer, to get Disco some gloves (did I mention that it was COLD!!??), when it was announced that the Survivors were to gather in front of the stage. So she stayed for the gloves, and I left for the stage. Got to see the Survivor of the Year, and her pace car driver -- Sterling Martin!! Yes NASCAR's champ has a soft spot for the cause. Then we had an announcement that Survivors were to move to another tent, only it wasn't described very well...and I wasn't the only one lost in the confusion. Wound up at the Survivor tent again, had a snack (an apple), milled around and asked everyone,"Is this where the Survivors are supposed to be, for the Pink Parade?" -- no one seemed to be real clear on that. Oh well, I just went around & collected more goodies from the vendors, and back to the car to put those in the trunk. Then I saw the time, and decided I'd better get ready to walk my mile. This, after walking all over the Race grounds for the previous 3 hours, turned out to be quite a slog! But I did it, and was cheered at the finish line, and then had to wait at least another hour for Disco to come thru -- she'd been walking with some other teammates (the only ones I ran into, one had recently had knee surgery and was moving at a glacial pace), and they finally told her to go on ahead & finish. I took pictures:
ETA, 4 days later: We survived. After arriving at the Race for a Cure site at 6 a.m. (it was still dark! and very cold!), we mosied over to the Survivor tent for some breakfast. At first, a couple of gals without a clue tried to keep Disco out of the Survivor area, although their pamphlet & website both said survivors could bring in one guest. Oops. Poor Disco went around the other side of the enclosure to get a pom-pom shaker, to cheer for her Survivor, while I went on in & fixed her a cuppa coffee & grabbed a muffin for her. The gals handing out the shakers asked if she was a "Co-Survivor" and she said yes, so they said she could go in too. We found a little table, which we needed 'coz I already had two bags of swag that was being handed out, both specifically for survivors. After fueling up, we took a walk around all the vendor booths lined up around the area, and collected more goodies & many more nice fabric bags -- I won't need new knitting totes for a while! Well, we were getting rather loaded down, so strolled back to the car and piled up the trunk:
Then we went back, and found another whole circle of vendors with more stuff to give away! Rinse & repeat, as it were. I had my picture taken on a pink motorcycle! But that's on Facebook -- I'll have to get it later.
Somehow, in all this walking around, we managed to find only two other walkers from our team, and the folks manning our booth. We were stankding in line at the Komen trailer, to get Disco some gloves (did I mention that it was COLD!!??), when it was announced that the Survivors were to gather in front of the stage. So she stayed for the gloves, and I left for the stage. Got to see the Survivor of the Year, and her pace car driver -- Sterling Martin!! Yes NASCAR's champ has a soft spot for the cause. Then we had an announcement that Survivors were to move to another tent, only it wasn't described very well...and I wasn't the only one lost in the confusion. Wound up at the Survivor tent again, had a snack (an apple), milled around and asked everyone,"Is this where the Survivors are supposed to be, for the Pink Parade?" -- no one seemed to be real clear on that. Oh well, I just went around & collected more goodies from the vendors, and back to the car to put those in the trunk. Then I saw the time, and decided I'd better get ready to walk my mile. This, after walking all over the Race grounds for the previous 3 hours, turned out to be quite a slog! But I did it, and was cheered at the finish line, and then had to wait at least another hour for Disco to come thru -- she'd been walking with some other teammates (the only ones I ran into, one had recently had knee surgery and was moving at a glacial pace), and they finally told her to go on ahead & finish. I took pictures:
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Not quite last minute jitters
Ok, coming up on mid-week, and our Race For The Cure happens this Saturday! Thanks to all who've stepped up and donated to this cause. The rest of you: what are you waiting for? You probably know someone who's been affected, or know their families, or ARE their families.... Think of how these folks would feel, if a cure could be offered. Think of all the folks getting screened, because the Susan G. Komen Foundation works to make it possible. I know you'll do the right thing.
Ahem! let me just jump off the soapbox now. The Young Gent & I have discussed the Cowboy Surf scarf/cowl and decided a cowl is definitely the way to go. I've reworked the formerly bound off edge, with a few more rows in pattern, a couple extra rows of stockinette with buttonholes, and several rows of garter stitch. Now to find the buttons. We talked about toggles -- I wasn't sanguine, but he is -- and now I'm looking for some nice grey (his choice!) toggles that aren't more than about 1.75" long and 5/8" around. I came across a terrific site, http://www.ascuteasabutton.com/index.html, with a plethora of super nice buttons. And it's not just the buttons that are great: they're all sorted well, right in the sidebar! Easy-peasy looking for whatever you might have in mind; I've bookmarked it for later use.
Ahem! let me just jump off the soapbox now. The Young Gent & I have discussed the Cowboy Surf scarf/cowl and decided a cowl is definitely the way to go. I've reworked the formerly bound off edge, with a few more rows in pattern, a couple extra rows of stockinette with buttonholes, and several rows of garter stitch. Now to find the buttons. We talked about toggles -- I wasn't sanguine, but he is -- and now I'm looking for some nice grey (his choice!) toggles that aren't more than about 1.75" long and 5/8" around. I came across a terrific site, http://www.ascuteasabutton.com/index.html, with a plethora of super nice buttons. And it's not just the buttons that are great: they're all sorted well, right in the sidebar! Easy-peasy looking for whatever you might have in mind; I've bookmarked it for later use.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
One step too many?
DiscoDame & I are registered for the Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure, coming up 10/27. We are getting a late start on our fundraising. SO, I'm turning over all rocks & putting it out there -- won't you help?

Dear Friends and Family,
We recently accepted the challenge to raise funds to support the Greater Nashville Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure in its efforts to end breast cancer forever. I will also take part in the Komen Greater Nashville Race for the Cure® as part of this program.
Please help support us in this important project by contributing generously to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Greater Nashville Affiliate. Your tax-deductible contribution will fund breast cancer education, screening, and research programs. It is faster and easier than ever to support this great cause - you can make your donation online by simply clicking on the link at the bottom of this message. If you would prefer, you can also send your tax-deductible contribution to the address listed below. More information on Komen Greater Nashville and its programs can be found at www.komennashville.org.
Whatever you can give will help it all adds up! We greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on our progress.
Erin & Ann Devine Hugs to all!

Dear Friends and Family,
We recently accepted the challenge to raise funds to support the Greater Nashville Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure in its efforts to end breast cancer forever. I will also take part in the Komen Greater Nashville Race for the Cure® as part of this program.
Please help support us in this important project by contributing generously to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Greater Nashville Affiliate. Your tax-deductible contribution will fund breast cancer education, screening, and research programs. It is faster and easier than ever to support this great cause - you can make your donation online by simply clicking on the link at the bottom of this message. If you would prefer, you can also send your tax-deductible contribution to the address listed below. More information on Komen Greater Nashville and its programs can be found at www.komennashville.org.
Whatever you can give will help it all adds up! We greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on our progress.
Erin & Ann Devine Hugs to all!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Swag, I has it
Monday was my birthday, so I took a vacation day (possibly the last for a while, unless I can sneak in a couple in early October). I actually had a 3-day weekend, woo hoo! As if that weren't boss enough, one of my presents was an immersion blender. I have been talking this up to the family for months, and they took the hint. No more blending hot soups two cups at a time in the food processor! This weekend, I'll slow-cook a soup that'll need to be blended.
The Young Gent is really keen on having the Cowboy Surf scarf by his birthday, so I must bear down on it at all opportunities. Too bad I can't type by voice command, and have the hands free for knitting. I was going to put up another in-progress picture, then went on and added several more inches to the length -- making the pics obsolete. I did get them onto Ravelry. You might study the pics showing the pink needle laying on the scarf; it points to an error that I don't intend to correct. After all, only one Creator makes things perfectly.
Wow, speak of the devil...the Young Gent just came by for a "fitting"! He certainly seems pleased with his scarf. I'm gonna be even more eager to work on it now, and just SO proud of it.
No knitterly presents at the Birthday this year, unless we count the ones I've ordered for myself: a copy of The Principles of Knitting, some DPN sock tubes, and a digital scale (Tools! I love 'em) all from Knit Picks.
The Young Gent is really keen on having the Cowboy Surf scarf by his birthday, so I must bear down on it at all opportunities. Too bad I can't type by voice command, and have the hands free for knitting. I was going to put up another in-progress picture, then went on and added several more inches to the length -- making the pics obsolete. I did get them onto Ravelry. You might study the pics showing the pink needle laying on the scarf; it points to an error that I don't intend to correct. After all, only one Creator makes things perfectly.
Wow, speak of the devil...the Young Gent just came by for a "fitting"! He certainly seems pleased with his scarf. I'm gonna be even more eager to work on it now, and just SO proud of it.
No knitterly presents at the Birthday this year, unless we count the ones I've ordered for myself: a copy of The Principles of Knitting, some DPN sock tubes, and a digital scale (Tools! I love 'em) all from Knit Picks.
Progress report
The Cowboy Surf scarf is coming along well. The Young Gentleman has seen a picture, and is eager to have it before the cold weather gets here. WIP pictures of scarves sometimes leave me cold – there’s not a lot of change, it’s just longer. But I’ll subject you all to the “wonder” of a longer scarf:
Picture taken weekend of 9-16. It’s considerably longer now.
I finally finished the dish/washcloth, in light green recycled cotton. So, to balance the UFO, we have a FO:
Ain’t it cute? Who doesn’t love the look of seed & moss stitch?
Usually I have two main projects going at all times, in case I get bored with one. Now the washcloth is done, what will I work alongside the Surf scarf? It needs to be small, fairly simple, and easier to work away from home than the Surf scarf – but only marginally tedious (leaves out Pup’s Steelers socks, sorry Dad!). I need to get started on holiday gifts, maybe some mitts & cowls. I could try the Alena Cowl, by Sarah Cherney; or the Ariosa Reversible Ribbed Cowl, by Susan Mills for Classic Elite; the Cowl Neck Wrap (such an imaginative name!) by Laura Farson for Cascade Yarns – for cowls. Let’s see what patterns I have on hand for mitts/arm warmers. Again alphabetically, these look interesting: Amiguitas- torirot design, April May – Jacquelynn Vance-Kuss, Arden – Mikka Tokuda-Hall (cables! Worsted wt!), Blue King Cabled Mitts – design by turvid; Blueberry Tea Mitts – Paula McKeever; Cabled Fingerless Mitts – The Knitter’s Book of Yarn, designer Jennifer Hagan. Hmm, I probably have a dozen other cabled mitts patterns handy (GOTCHA!); it’s likely I’ll be making cabled mitts. Now, I probably won’t stick with just one of these patterns worked in different colors. And it’s entirely likely I have yarns suitable to all of them, somewhere in the stash. So suit up, ‘coz we’ll be diving the stash this weekend!
Picture taken weekend of 9-16. It’s considerably longer now.
I finally finished the dish/washcloth, in light green recycled cotton. So, to balance the UFO, we have a FO:
Ain’t it cute? Who doesn’t love the look of seed & moss stitch?
Usually I have two main projects going at all times, in case I get bored with one. Now the washcloth is done, what will I work alongside the Surf scarf? It needs to be small, fairly simple, and easier to work away from home than the Surf scarf – but only marginally tedious (leaves out Pup’s Steelers socks, sorry Dad!). I need to get started on holiday gifts, maybe some mitts & cowls. I could try the Alena Cowl, by Sarah Cherney; or the Ariosa Reversible Ribbed Cowl, by Susan Mills for Classic Elite; the Cowl Neck Wrap (such an imaginative name!) by Laura Farson for Cascade Yarns – for cowls. Let’s see what patterns I have on hand for mitts/arm warmers. Again alphabetically, these look interesting: Amiguitas- torirot design, April May – Jacquelynn Vance-Kuss, Arden – Mikka Tokuda-Hall (cables! Worsted wt!), Blue King Cabled Mitts – design by turvid; Blueberry Tea Mitts – Paula McKeever; Cabled Fingerless Mitts – The Knitter’s Book of Yarn, designer Jennifer Hagan. Hmm, I probably have a dozen other cabled mitts patterns handy (GOTCHA!); it’s likely I’ll be making cabled mitts. Now, I probably won’t stick with just one of these patterns worked in different colors. And it’s entirely likely I have yarns suitable to all of them, somewhere in the stash. So suit up, ‘coz we’ll be diving the stash this weekend!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Q & A
ETA: first things first! Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day! ARRRR!
Do you look at Zoom's blog (http://www.knitnut.net/)? Lately she's been answering random questions from comments. On the 17th, she answered mine! And now I'm answering hers.
I also have a history of craftiness, mostly fiber related. Mom tried teaching all her girls to crochet, cross-stitch, and knit -- but her instruction mostly didn't "take". I started collecting bone china figures of pure breed dogs, and other assorted animals. Back in the rock 'n roll years, oldest Sis started embroidering on a pair of jeans, which she then "outgrew" and passed along to me. I added hundreds of yards of embroidery floss to them, so that by the time they were stolen from a dryer at the laundromat, they were EPICALLY embroidered; they were the very measure of hippie fashion. Needless to say, I was crushed by their disappearance from the laundry.
Later I took up cross-stitch embroidery and macrame, and collected lots of magazines about cross stitching. I found that I just couldn't see the fabric well enough to suit me, while stitching, so I got one of those great big magnifiers that hang from a cord around your neck. It's so heavy it makes my neck hurt. So I've pretty much stopped embroidering. Macrame still has its charms for me (what can I say, I was a hippie chick), but all that knotting makes my hands hurt.
Then I got cancer. While on chemo, moving around in almost any way would make the first order of business a trip to the porcelain receptacle. As in,"Hey, I almost feel like I could hold down some water; let me cross the living room to the kitchen and get a glass full." The woman starts across the room, then veers right towards the bath instead of left to the kitchen.
Anyway, I spent a lot of time just sitting on the futon, and there's only so much reading even I can do at one sitting. One day between chemo treatments I went to the library, and brought home several books about crochet. And taught myself! All the time, what I really wanted to do was knit, but it looked so much harder (two sticks?!?) that my chemo-fuddled brain said "No way, chickadee". So I crocheted for a few years before I took the plunge and learned to knit -- big surprise, it's easier than crochet. And easier on my ganglion cyst in my wrist, too. I had the best teacher (for me), Debi Stoller's Stitch "N Bitch. I still refer to this book, when I feel I need her simple visual aids.
My Little Sis wants me to take up needle-felting, and has given me some pattern books for items knitted then decorated. I'm kinda "meh" about that technique, but could try it this winter. I'll likely use some of my thrift store sweaters to practice it. Gad, a plan is forming!
Recently, I thought about spinning my own yarn. I can't seem to get the hang of drafting, and there are other activities I'd rather spend time with. No biggee.
Next weekend I'll head over to the Threadfest, and try to snag some nice upholstery & drapery fabrics -- I have an idea that the Lotus Origami Bag (http://exchangingfire.wordpress.com/2010/08/05/the-origami-lotus-bag-tutorial/ ) could be a good holiday giftable, that wouldn't take as much of my time as knitting. So, now I'll be sewing? Haven't done much of that since high school, which was back in the time before Time.

Do you look at Zoom's blog (http://www.knitnut.net/)? Lately she's been answering random questions from comments. On the 17th, she answered mine! And now I'm answering hers.
I also have a history of craftiness, mostly fiber related. Mom tried teaching all her girls to crochet, cross-stitch, and knit -- but her instruction mostly didn't "take". I started collecting bone china figures of pure breed dogs, and other assorted animals. Back in the rock 'n roll years, oldest Sis started embroidering on a pair of jeans, which she then "outgrew" and passed along to me. I added hundreds of yards of embroidery floss to them, so that by the time they were stolen from a dryer at the laundromat, they were EPICALLY embroidered; they were the very measure of hippie fashion. Needless to say, I was crushed by their disappearance from the laundry.
Later I took up cross-stitch embroidery and macrame, and collected lots of magazines about cross stitching. I found that I just couldn't see the fabric well enough to suit me, while stitching, so I got one of those great big magnifiers that hang from a cord around your neck. It's so heavy it makes my neck hurt. So I've pretty much stopped embroidering. Macrame still has its charms for me (what can I say, I was a hippie chick), but all that knotting makes my hands hurt.
Then I got cancer. While on chemo, moving around in almost any way would make the first order of business a trip to the porcelain receptacle. As in,"Hey, I almost feel like I could hold down some water; let me cross the living room to the kitchen and get a glass full." The woman starts across the room, then veers right towards the bath instead of left to the kitchen.
Anyway, I spent a lot of time just sitting on the futon, and there's only so much reading even I can do at one sitting. One day between chemo treatments I went to the library, and brought home several books about crochet. And taught myself! All the time, what I really wanted to do was knit, but it looked so much harder (two sticks?!?) that my chemo-fuddled brain said "No way, chickadee". So I crocheted for a few years before I took the plunge and learned to knit -- big surprise, it's easier than crochet. And easier on my ganglion cyst in my wrist, too. I had the best teacher (for me), Debi Stoller's Stitch "N Bitch. I still refer to this book, when I feel I need her simple visual aids.
My Little Sis wants me to take up needle-felting, and has given me some pattern books for items knitted then decorated. I'm kinda "meh" about that technique, but could try it this winter. I'll likely use some of my thrift store sweaters to practice it. Gad, a plan is forming!
Recently, I thought about spinning my own yarn. I can't seem to get the hang of drafting, and there are other activities I'd rather spend time with. No biggee.
Next weekend I'll head over to the Threadfest, and try to snag some nice upholstery & drapery fabrics -- I have an idea that the Lotus Origami Bag (http://exchangingfire.wordpress.com/2010/08/05/the-origami-lotus-bag-tutorial/ ) could be a good holiday giftable, that wouldn't take as much of my time as knitting. So, now I'll be sewing? Haven't done much of that since high school, which was back in the time before Time.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
What can we say about Wednesday?
Normally, this would be "over the hump" day, but due to the seasonal (and other!) absences, I'll be working again this Friday. Le sigh. At least the work is moderately interesting.
I'm coming into the home stretch on the latest dish/wash cloth, just the garter edge & bind off to be done. This has taken an inordinate amount of time, because I've been indulging in my other favorite hobby: Reading! This summer I've been through the entire Malazan Tales of The Fallen, and so far the first two books of A Song of Fire and Ice, just finished Neil Gaiman's American Gods (we read Anansi Boys last summer), and now I've started a weirdy, Rumo by Walter Moers. Not to mention the other assorted books...and I tried once again to read the Sword of Shannara trilogy, and once again lost interest halfway through the first volume. It just strikes me as a poor man's Lord Of The Rings, same story with different players and poorer writing. I'll likely catch h**l for saying that; I know there are a lot of fans out there. Not that I don't like Terry Brooks' writing, I read all the Knight of the Word books and loved them. But what is with the Shannara stories?
We have something to cheer us up: Laurie aka Crazy Aunt Purl is blogging again! And we can even leave comments again! Welcome back, CAP!
I'm coming into the home stretch on the latest dish/wash cloth, just the garter edge & bind off to be done. This has taken an inordinate amount of time, because I've been indulging in my other favorite hobby: Reading! This summer I've been through the entire Malazan Tales of The Fallen, and so far the first two books of A Song of Fire and Ice, just finished Neil Gaiman's American Gods (we read Anansi Boys last summer), and now I've started a weirdy, Rumo by Walter Moers. Not to mention the other assorted books...and I tried once again to read the Sword of Shannara trilogy, and once again lost interest halfway through the first volume. It just strikes me as a poor man's Lord Of The Rings, same story with different players and poorer writing. I'll likely catch h**l for saying that; I know there are a lot of fans out there. Not that I don't like Terry Brooks' writing, I read all the Knight of the Word books and loved them. But what is with the Shannara stories?
We have something to cheer us up: Laurie aka Crazy Aunt Purl is blogging again! And we can even leave comments again! Welcome back, CAP!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
A shoe dropped
I wish I could say more, but today a very dark cloud that had been hanging over me for several months has finally moved away. I'm so relieved, and I just know you're happy for me.
I worked in the ends on my Every Way Wrap, but still don't have the buttons in place. And I've taken some steps to get a "care box" sent off to Texas, for the nieces & Sis.
One last bit of good news: The Plaidman has a part-time job! and it's very close to home, only about 1.25 miles away. He'll still draw his Social Security, and his little pension, but with the additional funds from his job we just might be able to get the Innerwebs at home again.
I found another really good blog to peruse, check out The Bloggess -- but not at work! Just sayin', she's often NSFW. But hysterical.
I've started a new knitting project! I admired a young friend's panache with scarves, and offered to knit one for him -- knowing he'd likely wear it appreciatively, which would of course be a big morale boost for me. Now, being a dude, his color sense is shall we say on the somber side. BUT I found several pictures of yarns available online, and he looked them over, and picked a nice variegated (mostly brown!) fingering weight. I ordered two skeins of Knit Picks Stroll hand-painted in their "Pony Ride" colorway, meantime himself & I are putting our heads together for a pattern. I tried cables, but they completely disappeared against the ground. Then I showed him two patterns that were basically about texture, and he picked one. Then came the swatching, and ripping, and more swatching, and ripping, and finally I had something that looked pretty good. I've knit about 8" of unblocked fabric, which looks like it'll stretch to 12" when blocked. If you're on Ravelry, you can look for my "Cowboy Morning Surf" based on Jackie ES's Morning Surf.
I worked in the ends on my Every Way Wrap, but still don't have the buttons in place. And I've taken some steps to get a "care box" sent off to Texas, for the nieces & Sis.
One last bit of good news: The Plaidman has a part-time job! and it's very close to home, only about 1.25 miles away. He'll still draw his Social Security, and his little pension, but with the additional funds from his job we just might be able to get the Innerwebs at home again.
I found another really good blog to peruse, check out The Bloggess -- but not at work! Just sayin', she's often NSFW. But hysterical.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
The Plaidman's first SS deposit has finally hit the bank. Who in their right mind decides to retire, but wait a quarter year before replacing their paycheck? Why, that would be the Plaidman, of course! And who would make a sudden and unilateral decision to retire without drawing a pension or SS for three months, without even consulting the spouse who'll be expected to just pick up the slack? I know! It's Plaidman! Showing off his usual attitude of complete disregard for his own family, what a surprise (not). A few days ago he was spouting off about dudes who put themselves first, how that wasn't at all manly in his opinion, and then he looks over at me like I'm going to give him an "Amen". I got up, went over to him and told him that he didn't want to hear what I'd like to say about his preachin'. He got real quiet at that.
I have started working the edging for Dolly Blankie #3, which will be the last of the doll blankets. Sorry, Princess; I just can't spend anymore of my knitting time on these things. Anyway, I've decided to make a rather plain edge of stockinette, striped and with slip stitches for a bit of color change. Knit on!
I have started working the edging for Dolly Blankie #3, which will be the last of the doll blankets. Sorry, Princess; I just can't spend anymore of my knitting time on these things. Anyway, I've decided to make a rather plain edge of stockinette, striped and with slip stitches for a bit of color change. Knit on!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Inhale...exhale, repeat
The Plaidman & I discussed his sudden & unilateral decision to retire. So, he now understands the stress I've been dealing with for the past quarter year, and he did offer some explanation and an apology. Amazingly,I feel better, even though nothing has actually changed.
Plaidman & Disco went to a job fair earlier in the week, and it's possible she'll get hired for (drumroll, please) Web design!! Which is what she studied at the community college, and actually has a degree for, so WOOOT! And clap if you believe in fairies.
Plaidman & Disco went to a job fair earlier in the week, and it's possible she'll get hired for (drumroll, please) Web design!! Which is what she studied at the community college, and actually has a degree for, so WOOOT! And clap if you believe in fairies.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Almost Done
Woo-Hoo! I've finished all the knitting on the Every Way Wrap!
I should block it (lightly -- cables & ribs shouldn't be blocked too severely), work in the ends, and sew on the two buttons. I have some leaf-shaped buttons in a light green, which are of the size suggested in the pattern. But, hmmm, I'm not sure they're exactly right. I have a slough of toggle buttons, in a couple of sizes, but I was thinking I'd use some of those for the 2nd EWW -- and I don't want them to have the same buttons. Decisions, decisions.
Princess T's two hats have been washed & blocked:
I have finished two cotton washcloths, and have another in work--nothing fancy, just knit & purl variations, but they look nice. I did a swatch for the Summer Solstice KAL, but haven't done anymore on it. Just can't quite get into it while I'm hung up on washcloths.
The Plaidman looked thru the last Knit Picks catalog, and picked out two colors of the City Tweed HW that he liked well. One is the Orca, and the other was grey too, just darker. Anyway, the Orca went on sale on their site, so I got that. I've been thinking about a ribbed cardigan that was part of a free download from IK, only I'd like to add some cables to the front & sleeves.
I should block it (lightly -- cables & ribs shouldn't be blocked too severely), work in the ends, and sew on the two buttons. I have some leaf-shaped buttons in a light green, which are of the size suggested in the pattern. But, hmmm, I'm not sure they're exactly right. I have a slough of toggle buttons, in a couple of sizes, but I was thinking I'd use some of those for the 2nd EWW -- and I don't want them to have the same buttons. Decisions, decisions.
Princess T's two hats have been washed & blocked:
First is the "World Domination Beret", so named for the oceanic blue, woodsy green and earthy browns.
Next up, the "Gumball Factory Explosion" just 'coz that's what it looks like!
Another bit of good news (like hen's teeth, it is): I've lost another two pounds! I can't help but think of that cartoon of the zebra, looking around to see it's stripes falling off it's backside, with a caption,"I think it's stress!" I have finished two cotton washcloths, and have another in work--nothing fancy, just knit & purl variations, but they look nice. I did a swatch for the Summer Solstice KAL, but haven't done anymore on it. Just can't quite get into it while I'm hung up on washcloths.
The Plaidman looked thru the last Knit Picks catalog, and picked out two colors of the City Tweed HW that he liked well. One is the Orca, and the other was grey too, just darker. Anyway, the Orca went on sale on their site, so I got that. I've been thinking about a ribbed cardigan that was part of a free download from IK, only I'd like to add some cables to the front & sleeves.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
White carnations
Plaidman will wear a white flower in his lapel next Mother's Day. His mom, our own dear Betty, passed away the Sunday before last. Plaidman & I embarked on a brutal 9.5 hour drive up to her home -- we had to drive straight thru, instead of our usual stop halfway, as we didn't have the means to let a motel room. We packed a cooler, and ate from it for the day. There was major construction almost every 20 miles all along the way. The next day was the funeral & interment. We visited with relatives we hadn't seen since Plaidman's dad passed, 10 years ago. There was a pretty good turnout, more than his baby sister had thought would show up. Of course, neither of us remembered to bring the camera. I've got cell phone pictures, which are surprisingly decent photos. A lot of the family went to the Golden Corral(!My first time in one!) for a luncheon after, and we had to spend a little of our puny bank balance -- but how often do we get to spend time with these folks? Then it was back to Mom's the sisters' house for a while, then we went over to the Brother of Plaid's home & spent the night, before leaving for another 9.5 hour drive home (with the repacked cooler, no overnight stop). Whew! I was about wiped out Friday. But I did a good bit of work on the EWW during the drive, finishing the last repeat of the cable pattern. Slowly but surely I will make this wrap! Only now I'm distracted by, of all things, cotton washcloths. And I'm about to start Wendy's Summer Solstice KAL -- I have the Cascade Heritage Sock yarn in my stash, and spent $2 for the pattern. Not sure if I'll like the finished shawl, but hey -- it could be a gift-knit.
I've commented on Fleegle's blog re: the student spindle. Maybe she'll come into town again on 6/18/12 for Ann Shayne's book launch party! Oh, it's not a knitting book -- Ann's written a novel! Go on Amazon & you can take a peek. I would like to go -- I wonder if I can get there from work, without too much hassle? Nashville traffic being what it is, which is generally insane: half the folks on the road appear to have found their licenses in Cracker Jack boxes.
I've commented on Fleegle's blog re: the student spindle. Maybe she'll come into town again on 6/18/12 for Ann Shayne's book launch party! Oh, it's not a knitting book -- Ann's written a novel! Go on Amazon & you can take a peek. I would like to go -- I wonder if I can get there from work, without too much hassle? Nashville traffic being what it is, which is generally insane: half the folks on the road appear to have found their licenses in Cracker Jack boxes.
Round and round
When my employer (hereafter referred to as "Box 'O Docs" or BoD) changed their payroll processor several pay periods ago, they stopped taking the insurance correctly. Plaidman's coverage was dropped, but not by me! It's taken weeks of wrangling with the insurance & payroll liasons, but they've finally admitted it was their error. He's been covered again, but only until the next time we have to sign up for insurance -- seems his change in status (the retirement) isn't a valid reason to put him on our plan, if he wasn't already on it. And I still don't know if or how the difference in premiums for those weeks when his coverage wasn't being paid, will be deducted from my check. So, last night, I let the Plaidman know in no uncertain terms that he was really stupid to retire without checking into such things as our financial status & plans, and possible effects on his health insurance coverage. I really laid into him. But who takes such a big step without looking first? Oh yeah, I forgot the family motto, "Any fool can do it the easy way." I sure hope he likes catfood.
I'm rather glad May is ending, this has been an expensive month what with Plaidman's travel, Mother's Day, and Disco's birthday. Next up: the Plaidman's birthday followed (very quickly!) by Father's Day. After that, we have our 35th wedding anniversary, which I expect will be a total dud -- we won't have enough cashola for much celebrating, and the "free (as in "best things in life") type of celebration is just not happening -- not on my watch anyway.
ETA: This post kinda got lost in the shuffle--but I'll put it out there today, 6/13/12
I'm rather glad May is ending, this has been an expensive month what with Plaidman's travel, Mother's Day, and Disco's birthday. Next up: the Plaidman's birthday followed (very quickly!) by Father's Day. After that, we have our 35th wedding anniversary, which I expect will be a total dud -- we won't have enough cashola for much celebrating, and the "free (as in "best things in life") type of celebration is just not happening -- not on my watch anyway.
ETA: This post kinda got lost in the shuffle--but I'll put it out there today, 6/13/12
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Good weekend
Disco & I made it out to Dickson yesterday. The sign at the entrance said the fiber fair started at noon, we got there a bit after 10 a.m. and it was already getting busy! Fiber-folk don't want to sleep in on festival days! We both fondled lots of pretty yarn & fibers, and flipped through lots of interesting books. I had a tote bag with my newest acquisitions from The Haus of Yarn, picked up Thursday evening: a few ounces of Corriedale dyed red, and a hi-lo drop spindle by Schact (did I spell that right?). I was wanting to see if I could begin to understand drafting before taking Fleegle's class (Yes, THAT Fleegle!) at the festival. And yeah, maybe getting the fiber & spindle the night before was rather last minute. I did try to get them from Bliss Yarns earlier in the week, but they hadn't either in stock. Anywhoo, I got to meet & spend some time with Fleegle -- and I did say I'd buy her Supported Spindling book, but that will have to wait until the next payday. The class was good, and I did learn more about spindling in general and supported spindling in particular. Supported spindling seems so much easier than drop spindling! And Fleegle's class materials included a supported spindle & some nice combed roving for each student, so now I have two spindles! Disco wanted to go out there again today, but it cost us a quarter tank of gas to get there & back, and the pay just won't stretch that far again. Either she or the Plaidman must get some work and try to bring some more income into Chez Plaid. Disco had her display, cards, and lots of stitchmarkers and even found a spot to sit in & try to sell a few -- I'm real surprised nobody chased her off. She says she'd like to get a booth at the fair next year. I don't think she realizes how much product she'd have to have on hand to fill a booth. But maybe she could find someone that will sell her a corner of their booth? I suppose she'd have to get in touch with Three Creeks Farm, the organisers for this little shindig.
In knitting news, I have been slipping in a few rows at a time, a couple of times a day, on the Every Way Wrap (aka the world's slowest wrap). The end is nearly in sight. Will I actually finish it before the weather turns again? I'd suggest against holding your breath. Also I finished the second hat for Princess T, but still haven't blocked it. That would be a good mini-project for the weekend, no? So, I must run off to chores and then to the fun stuff (blocking, spinning, knitting?). TTFN!
In knitting news, I have been slipping in a few rows at a time, a couple of times a day, on the Every Way Wrap (aka the world's slowest wrap). The end is nearly in sight. Will I actually finish it before the weather turns again? I'd suggest against holding your breath. Also I finished the second hat for Princess T, but still haven't blocked it. That would be a good mini-project for the weekend, no? So, I must run off to chores and then to the fun stuff (blocking, spinning, knitting?). TTFN!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Well I'll be...
I believe my gast has been flabbered. I've been thinking that I wasn't losing any weight with my South Beach-esque diet. Got on the scales this morning for the first time in a couple of weeks--surprise! I'm a good six lbs lighter than I was last time I checked! Huzzah!
That is really all I have to say. You may return to your regulary scheduled activities.
That is really all I have to say. You may return to your regulary scheduled activities.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Big Plans
Disco & I have made our plan for Mother's Day -- it will just be the two of us, as the Plaidman is flying to Chicago to visit his mom, aka Mother of Plaid. Her health has been failing for some months now, and this is likely to be the last Mother's Day she'll be around. Hmm, I need to dig up those silk corsages I made a few years ago; he can still wear the red one this year. Disco has a red one too, while mine has been white for many years. Do you understand the custom? Red flowers (either roses or carnations around here) mean the wearer's mum is still among the living, while the white flowers honor a mum who's already passed away. Nana (my mom) has been gone for over ten years now, and I still miss her horribly. For heaven's sake, go call your Mom!
Ahem! Sorry about that, where were we? The plan for Sunday: we two Celtic ladies will dress divinely and head over to The Rawlings for the buffet luncheon (where I will try to keep it all "South Beach"--help me), then back to the house for quick change to casual couture and on to the movie theater. As it's Mother's Day, and I'm the Mom, I'm picking the flick: the new Nick Parks & Ardman feature, Pirates-A Band Of Misfits!!! I adore these crazy claymation films by Parks! The Curse of the Wererabbit about did me in, I tell ya. Chicken Run still makes me laugh out loud. And the Wallace & Gromit shorts are absolutely deadly, especially The Wrong Pants. I've lately become a fan of Sean the Sheep, as well. Do check these out, laughter is such a precious commodity, and this body of work is just chock full of it. I don't want to slip in any spoilers, but I will say I actually fell off the couch laughing at Wrong Pants.
Ok, so what's up with this South Beach stuff, anyway? Well, I'm reading up on it, and sorta/kinda implementing more of the gist of it in my diet as I learn more. I have found a couple of sites online that are helpful:
http://www.kalynskitchen.com/ (I was looking here before I started this diet)
http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/ (try the search feature)
Anyway, I'm sure there are a slough of sites with SB compliant recipes, and I'll likely look through a bunch more.
Ahem! Sorry about that, where were we? The plan for Sunday: we two Celtic ladies will dress divinely and head over to The Rawlings for the buffet luncheon (where I will try to keep it all "South Beach"--help me), then back to the house for quick change to casual couture and on to the movie theater. As it's Mother's Day, and I'm the Mom, I'm picking the flick: the new Nick Parks & Ardman feature, Pirates-A Band Of Misfits!!! I adore these crazy claymation films by Parks! The Curse of the Wererabbit about did me in, I tell ya. Chicken Run still makes me laugh out loud. And the Wallace & Gromit shorts are absolutely deadly, especially The Wrong Pants. I've lately become a fan of Sean the Sheep, as well. Do check these out, laughter is such a precious commodity, and this body of work is just chock full of it. I don't want to slip in any spoilers, but I will say I actually fell off the couch laughing at Wrong Pants.
Ok, so what's up with this South Beach stuff, anyway? Well, I'm reading up on it, and sorta/kinda implementing more of the gist of it in my diet as I learn more. I have found a couple of sites online that are helpful:
http://www.kalynskitchen.com/ (I was looking here before I started this diet)
http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/ (try the search feature)
Anyway, I'm sure there are a slough of sites with SB compliant recipes, and I'll likely look through a bunch more.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Monday, Monday
I meant to get to the library to give y'all the Mid-weekend Update, but it just didn't happen over the weekend. The Plaidman has mentioned that he'd like to retire; I suppose I should have jumped on that mere mention of the possibility with both feet. Because he's given his notice and notified Social Security that he wants to start drawing -- but not until after his birthday in June!! So, I'm to be the sole support of Chez Plaid, until SS starts paying him and Dog only knows how long that will take. In the meantime, the group I work for has changed their payroll processor. April 13th was their first shot at our biweekly pay, and mine was all messed up: my name was misspelled on the paystub, and they only deducted about 26% of my insurance premium. Well, I didn't know a thing about that until the following Monday (I work four 10-hour days, so I can have Fridays off). I did let my supervisor know about both errors, and thought this would be resolved by the April 27 paydate. I'd have 164% of the insurance premium deducted, but that wouldn't be too bad...only it didn't work that way. Neither error was corrected. IF the correction goes into effect before the 5/11 paydate, I'll only have a huge insurance premium deduction. (For those of you who love figures, it'll be 247.24% of the regular premium.) If it doesn't, I'll be hot hot hot because so much of my pay will be gone all at once!
Oh, let's talk about something more pleasant. I'm still working on the Gumball Hat ('coz it looks like an explosion in the gumball factory) for Princess T. I'd had it done, pulled the last 8 stitches together at the top ...and decided to try it on. It was so shallow, barely a skullcap. Back to the drawing board! I tried to pick up stitches in one row below the crown decreases, and somehow "lost" a stitch (I cheated and made one!). Then I knit 4 rows, and hey look down there about 16 rows below....one half of the row that's supposed to have YOs and K2Ts doesn't have either. Sigh! Picked up (evenly this time) all around just below a purl row, frogged yet again, and now...I'm one pattern repeat past where I'd started the crown decreases the first time.
Plaidman's mum has been very ill, and is now in long-term care. She's been very depressed, and last week Plaid's brother called to discuss her wanting to stop all care. She's also been talking about the Plaidman a lot, to her other kids. So...despite the weirdness with my pay, and Plaidman's retirement (and from what I've heard I don't expect to see SS $ until September), I bought him a round trip air ticket to Chicago. He'll be spending Mother's Day with his mom this year. When I told Disco that her dad was going North for Mother's Day, she said, "Good!" And I certainly don't mind if he's out of pocket that weekend; he ain't my kid! Disco & I will likely go to a movie (my treat, of course -- she hasn't any money), and maybe a luncheon or brunch. So it will be just mother & child here, and that's just fine.
Oh, let's talk about something more pleasant. I'm still working on the Gumball Hat ('coz it looks like an explosion in the gumball factory) for Princess T. I'd had it done, pulled the last 8 stitches together at the top ...and decided to try it on. It was so shallow, barely a skullcap. Back to the drawing board! I tried to pick up stitches in one row below the crown decreases, and somehow "lost" a stitch (I cheated and made one!). Then I knit 4 rows, and hey look down there about 16 rows below....one half of the row that's supposed to have YOs and K2Ts doesn't have either. Sigh! Picked up (evenly this time) all around just below a purl row, frogged yet again, and now...I'm one pattern repeat past where I'd started the crown decreases the first time.
Plaidman's mum has been very ill, and is now in long-term care. She's been very depressed, and last week Plaid's brother called to discuss her wanting to stop all care. She's also been talking about the Plaidman a lot, to her other kids. So...despite the weirdness with my pay, and Plaidman's retirement (and from what I've heard I don't expect to see SS $ until September), I bought him a round trip air ticket to Chicago. He'll be spending Mother's Day with his mom this year. When I told Disco that her dad was going North for Mother's Day, she said, "Good!" And I certainly don't mind if he's out of pocket that weekend; he ain't my kid! Disco & I will likely go to a movie (my treat, of course -- she hasn't any money), and maybe a luncheon or brunch. So it will be just mother & child here, and that's just fine.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Another week
Hi! It’s Saturday, time for the mid-weekend update. I’ve recently been diagnosed as “pre-diabetic”, and Friday I went back to the doctor’s office for some diet & exercise counseling, and for my very own glucose meter. Oh boy. I had to check my blood there in the office so the nurse would know I understood the process. Ouch. I am not happy about this at all. The grocery shopping list I keep in the computer will be undergoing some changes. I cracked up the PA: she asked if my husband would be behind me for these changes, I said hell no but as he doesn’t buy the groceries I didn’t see any problems. My blood sugar has been below the goal limit both times I've checked it (I'm only checking once a day, different times each day). And I've lost six pounds! Woot!!
In knitting news, I’m working on another hat for Princess T. I have to, as I’ve misplaced the first one. Unbelievable. It’s somewhere in the living room, I’m sure…in one of the elebenty thousand project bags, tote bags, or plastic bagsstacked piled around here. Disco keeps saying we need a bigger house, but we’d just gather more stuff to fill it. Now, if she’d ever move out, I could turn the 2nd bedroom into my craft space. Stop laughing, she could meet someone and … no, she’d have to leave the house to meet someone. Hmmm. Selling her to some sheikh in Abu Dhabi is looking more like a valid option; wonder if I could get her a passport? Gahd, she's sitting beside me here at the library.....at least I got her out of the house!
While I was waiting in the exam room, I came up with an idea for a hat pattern! Totally spontaneously!! I know, weird in't...thank goodness I had a pen & a scrap of paper. So I will work on that. Knits on teh brain, I haz dem.
In knitting news, I’m working on another hat for Princess T. I have to, as I’ve misplaced the first one. Unbelievable. It’s somewhere in the living room, I’m sure…in one of the elebenty thousand project bags, tote bags, or plastic bags
While I was waiting in the exam room, I came up with an idea for a hat pattern! Totally spontaneously!! I know, weird in't...thank goodness I had a pen & a scrap of paper. So I will work on that. Knits on teh brain, I haz dem.
Monday, April 16, 2012
On teh red carpet
OMG, lookit all the neat blog awards I've just "received"!!
For, of course, being just such a genius at crafts.
For all I do all the live-long day
For actually cooking for the family.
Oh, isn't it nice to be appreciated?!?!
Check out http://matsutakeblog.blogspot.com/ for your own!
Check out http://matsutakeblog.blogspot.com/ for your own!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Mid-weekend update
Good day. It’s Saturday, the second day of my “usual” three day weekend. Kind of unusual, in that this is the weekend just before month-end closing, but I didn’t have to work! Huzzah! I was so stunned to have a Friday off, I didn’t even get dressed until the evening. Disco kind of wanted to go to the Threadfest, but I’d spent so much last weekend at the Flea Market, that I figured I’d better not get anywhere near yarn I didn’t already own. The Plaid Patrol rolled out about 5:30 p.m., headed to Opry Mills – the mall has just reopened! Some of the businesses weren’t quite ready for business, most notably several of the larger restaurants, and would ya look at that: there’s no bookstore on the directory. I’m crushed that Barnes & Noble hasn’t come back. I’ve heard there’s a bookstore at the Green Hills Mall; that’s got to be easier to navigate to & from, then the one out in Cool Springs. Perhaps I’ll visit soon; it’s been a year of Sundays since I’ve been to Green Hills.
Getting back to yarn I already own, I finished skeining & washing the last of the purple tweed. I got two big freezer bags of 3 skeins each, and I’m still thinking about what this might be in my wardrobe. Some of ththe ideas I’m considering are: from the Alpaca Vest from Fall 2004 Cast On, the Back To School vest from Universal Yarns, Bernat’s free Cable Vest, Takhi’s free pattern Brighton Vest, another from Universal Yarn Charlie Vest, a Grey Vest with Cables which I found for free on a site that I failed to note on my copy (since I can’t credit it, I won’t copy it here), and one from KnitPicks Slipped Cable Vest. Hmm, most of these have cables. What happened to my obsession with lace? As I intend this vest (whichever it winds up being!) as part of my work wardrobe, I’m inclined to think cables would stand up better to the wear & tear of working. And I’m still plugging away at the Every Way Wrap, just finished the 11th repeat of the 16 row main pattern—only 5 more to go! Woot! So I’ve got cables on the brain. Anyway, if you know of any free patterns for vests that involve cables (but not for “advanced knitters”) please feel free to send me a link.
Disco has been diligent about refilling the birdfeeder (the only “chore” she’ll do without prompting [by which I mean without having me yell & get red in the face]). Every cowbird & blackbird within 4 miles knows where to find us, which is too bad for the smaller birds – the blackbirds & their cousins being rather like a gang of toughs. We’re constantly popping out the front door to drive them off. The only other regular visitors that aren’t intimidated are the blue jays (small blue crows, meh) and the larger woodpeckers (pileated?). The woodpeckers don’t bother the little birds, chickadees & titmice & cardinals, but they’ll actively pursue the blackbirds right around the feeder. Woodies hang upside-down off the outer edge of the feeder tray, and tramp around the rim to wave their big pointy beaks at the toughs—just hysterical. This year we’re seeing another woodpecker, a bit smaller but still ladder-backed. We think it’s the cockaded woodpecker. In years past, we’ve seen flickers, but so far not this year.
I lost my cool Wednesday evening. I’d spoken with Disco on the phone, giving her some instruction about cooking a large pork roast – I wanted it for dinner that night, with a plan to use some of the leftover for a shepherd’s pie and for breakfast (I’m doing Atkins). I talked to her about 4 p.m., and expected to be home about 6:30, so this plan should have worked. When I walked in the door, she was sitting in front of the TV with a dish of ramen noodles. No roast in the oven, no dinner waiting on my arrival. I blew up, pretty much saying she might not be welcome in my home anymore if I couldn’t count on her to do a simple thing like putting a roast in the oven. I was h-o-t HOT! And the Plaidman was no help, didn’t bother to either join my rant or stop it. Disco got an apology later, after I’d had some dinner & cooled off a bit. Dammit, she’s going to be 29 in a couple months—she needs a life, or at least a job: some way to contribute to the household. The captains of the Plaid Patrol feed, clothe, shelter & entertain her (probably ¾ of what I spent at the Flea Mkt was for her!)—she needs to pitch in, stop behaving like a permanent house pest guest! I hear redheaded gals are real popular in Asia, also Abu Dhabi…..
I’m trying something different with this post, actually writing & editing it at home (where I have no Internet), then putting it on a thumb drive to carry to the library. We’ll see how that works out. So many times, I’ve headed to the library meaning to post, but had brain-freeze—don’t you hate when that happens?
Getting back to yarn I already own, I finished skeining & washing the last of the purple tweed. I got two big freezer bags of 3 skeins each, and I’m still thinking about what this might be in my wardrobe. Some of ththe ideas I’m considering are: from the Alpaca Vest from Fall 2004 Cast On, the Back To School vest from Universal Yarns, Bernat’s free Cable Vest, Takhi’s free pattern Brighton Vest, another from Universal Yarn Charlie Vest, a Grey Vest with Cables which I found for free on a site that I failed to note on my copy (since I can’t credit it, I won’t copy it here), and one from KnitPicks Slipped Cable Vest. Hmm, most of these have cables. What happened to my obsession with lace? As I intend this vest (whichever it winds up being!) as part of my work wardrobe, I’m inclined to think cables would stand up better to the wear & tear of working. And I’m still plugging away at the Every Way Wrap, just finished the 11th repeat of the 16 row main pattern—only 5 more to go! Woot! So I’ve got cables on the brain. Anyway, if you know of any free patterns for vests that involve cables (but not for “advanced knitters”) please feel free to send me a link.
Disco has been diligent about refilling the birdfeeder (the only “chore” she’ll do without prompting [by which I mean without having me yell & get red in the face]). Every cowbird & blackbird within 4 miles knows where to find us, which is too bad for the smaller birds – the blackbirds & their cousins being rather like a gang of toughs. We’re constantly popping out the front door to drive them off. The only other regular visitors that aren’t intimidated are the blue jays (small blue crows, meh) and the larger woodpeckers (pileated?). The woodpeckers don’t bother the little birds, chickadees & titmice & cardinals, but they’ll actively pursue the blackbirds right around the feeder. Woodies hang upside-down off the outer edge of the feeder tray, and tramp around the rim to wave their big pointy beaks at the toughs—just hysterical. This year we’re seeing another woodpecker, a bit smaller but still ladder-backed. We think it’s the cockaded woodpecker. In years past, we’ve seen flickers, but so far not this year.
I lost my cool Wednesday evening. I’d spoken with Disco on the phone, giving her some instruction about cooking a large pork roast – I wanted it for dinner that night, with a plan to use some of the leftover for a shepherd’s pie and for breakfast (I’m doing Atkins). I talked to her about 4 p.m., and expected to be home about 6:30, so this plan should have worked. When I walked in the door, she was sitting in front of the TV with a dish of ramen noodles. No roast in the oven, no dinner waiting on my arrival. I blew up, pretty much saying she might not be welcome in my home anymore if I couldn’t count on her to do a simple thing like putting a roast in the oven. I was h-o-t HOT! And the Plaidman was no help, didn’t bother to either join my rant or stop it. Disco got an apology later, after I’d had some dinner & cooled off a bit. Dammit, she’s going to be 29 in a couple months—she needs a life, or at least a job: some way to contribute to the household. The captains of the Plaid Patrol feed, clothe, shelter & entertain her (probably ¾ of what I spent at the Flea Mkt was for her!)—she needs to pitch in, stop behaving like a permanent house pest guest! I hear redheaded gals are real popular in Asia, also Abu Dhabi…..
I’m trying something different with this post, actually writing & editing it at home (where I have no Internet), then putting it on a thumb drive to carry to the library. We’ll see how that works out. So many times, I’ve headed to the library meaning to post, but had brain-freeze—don’t you hate when that happens?
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Not safe
If you're reading this at work, DO NOT go over to The Panopticon! Fair warning!
And that is all for today.
And that is all for today.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
She's alive!
Have you been as worried as I have, wondering if Crazy Aunt Purl fell off the planet? Or took a very wrong turn somewhere in the Hollywood Hills, or stepped out in the road & got flattened by a passing tour bus? Well, worry no more--she's back!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The title refers to my poor feet, after more than 4 hours cruising around the Flea Market at the Fairgrounds. DiscoDame & I set out very early (about 7:15 a.m., an impossibly early time for Disco!) Friday, heading to the Threadfest -- but when we got there, the doors were locked, and it looked like nothing was set up inside. So both of pulled out our phones & checked calendars; I had it noted for Friday and again next Friday, and she had a reminder for next Friday. Well, what to do? Disco had seen that the Flea Market was on, so we scooted up the hill and proceeded to spend lots of dough while wearing ourselves to nubs. Concrete floors everywhere...but we had a good time and came home with goodies. However, I believe I'll have to skip the Threadfest, as I spent way too much for my fun. I did see one vendor's display of re-purposed old silver flatware, that had some handles worked into hairsticks, as well as other forms. My thought was,"Why not shawl sticks?" So, I mentioned that to the vendor--but since I didn't break down & buy one he might not change his sign.
I have finished unravelling the red-purple sweater, and discovered that my little swift (the "Almighty Reeling Machine") definitely has a weight limit. I had to pull the wound skein off, and rewind part of it, break the yarn, tie bits around that skein, and make another -- twice! The "umbrella" kept collapsing in slow motion, so the skeins were getting smaller around and developing bulges. It's good to know the limits of our equipment, I guess. So I now have three washed & dried skeins, and three unwashed. There's quite a bit of yarn here, and I've already looked at vest patterns. I'm thinking cables, with moss stitch and ribbing, and how lovely this crazy purple tweed will be in that form! And it will probably be a cardigan vest, though I've seen some nice slipover ones.
I have finished unravelling the red-purple sweater, and discovered that my little swift (the "Almighty Reeling Machine") definitely has a weight limit. I had to pull the wound skein off, and rewind part of it, break the yarn, tie bits around that skein, and make another -- twice! The "umbrella" kept collapsing in slow motion, so the skeins were getting smaller around and developing bulges. It's good to know the limits of our equipment, I guess. So I now have three washed & dried skeins, and three unwashed. There's quite a bit of yarn here, and I've already looked at vest patterns. I'm thinking cables, with moss stitch and ribbing, and how lovely this crazy purple tweed will be in that form! And it will probably be a cardigan vest, though I've seen some nice slipover ones.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Hello stranger
Good grief; it's been almost a month since I posted. I'm sorry--I know how disappointed I get when my favorite bloggers go silent. There's been knitting, and knitting-related activity over here at Chez Plaid. I worked several more repeats on the EWW, a few more rows on Plaidman's slippers, and even another square on the 3rd Dolly Blankie. I took some vacation time, so wound up with five days in a row of goof-off time. I unraveled a thrift store sweater! I bought it for the wool, which is a terrific purpley-red tweed, and it looks like it's worsted too. I'm thinking "Vest" for this stuff. There are several more thrifted sweaters in the stash, just begging to be unraveled and reused--so I'll stay away from the yarn shops for a while. Not that I have a yarn buying moratorium per se--I'm going to a festival (well..two festivals, actually) next month, and will likely buy some goodies there. Pinching the pennies till then...
Chez Plaid is about to get a mini-makeover. A couple of my vacation days were spent (also some $ was spent!) in the hardware store (Ace on Charlotte Ave in [horrors!] West Nashville), getting the "stuff" we need to start a project. I bought two foundation vents to replace missing ones, two Tyvek-like coveralls, and a large humane trap. Yes, we're going into the crawlspace! So the feral cats have gotta go to the pound. Plaidman says there's lots of spiders under there...if you don't hear from me again before June, send the Orkin man.
We had the requisite corned beef & cabbage out of the crockpot, only I had a new recipe from A Year of Slow Cooking , for her Dijon corned beef. Yummy! Simple! I really need to use the crockpot more.
Chez Plaid is about to get a mini-makeover. A couple of my vacation days were spent (also some $ was spent!) in the hardware store (Ace on Charlotte Ave in [horrors!] West Nashville), getting the "stuff" we need to start a project. I bought two foundation vents to replace missing ones, two Tyvek-like coveralls, and a large humane trap. Yes, we're going into the crawlspace! So the feral cats have gotta go to the pound. Plaidman says there's lots of spiders under there...if you don't hear from me again before June, send the Orkin man.
We had the requisite corned beef & cabbage out of the crockpot, only I had a new recipe from A Year of Slow Cooking , for her Dijon corned beef. Yummy! Simple! I really need to use the crockpot more.
home improvement,
Thursday, February 23, 2012
At last
The dearth of knitting has come to an end (I hope). I picked up the slippers I'm working up for the Plaidman, knit a row or three, and put them down again. Didn't knit for another week, then this past weekend I worked up an entire 16 row repeat on my Every Way Wrap -- I'm back, baby! And back in business.
The daffydillies suffered only a little from the frost & snow of this past freaky weather week. I have them mounded beneath the maple tree. Lawks, we've been in this house a long time: I used to be able to reach all the way 'round that maple, now it takes two people to hug that tree. And it survived having a lot of it's roots dug up when the septic field needed re-digging. Right after that event, a pair of woodpeckers took up residence there -- I get such a kick from watching them at the feeder! They hang almost upside-down from the edge of the feeder tray, and will stomp their way around it to find what they like -- and to chase away blackbirds & jays! They don't bother the littler birds, just the big greedies. If only I could get a picture, but they're very shy of people.
Lord help us, the entire Plaid household (well, excepting the cats) has been caught up in the Malazan Tales of the Fallen, which is a fantasy series by Steven Erikson. There are many, many very thick books--the first few of which are largely responsible for the lack of knitting lately. Plaidman & I are taking turns requesting the next two in the series, from the library. We love our library! Speaking of which, I've a return notice in the email--three other books are due back this weekend.
I have one more Friday to work, before my coworker returns from her extended trip. She's adopting some sisters from a foreign land--I won't say more here. But I know these little girls are going to be blessed, to be in their new home! Easter is going to be terrific in her household; her own kids are all boys, so I'm guessing she'll have a ball dressing her daughters for church. Nana (my dear departed mother) used to dress all five of us kids, for Easter Sunday. She made a lot of the dresses we four girls wore, but didn't sew for our brother--dresses = easy, trousers = hard to make! I have a photo of us, with girls in bonnets and "spring" navy cloth coats, and Brother in his little suit. Put that on the to-do list: find the family photos & scan some of them so y'all can take a look!
The daffydillies suffered only a little from the frost & snow of this past freaky weather week. I have them mounded beneath the maple tree. Lawks, we've been in this house a long time: I used to be able to reach all the way 'round that maple, now it takes two people to hug that tree. And it survived having a lot of it's roots dug up when the septic field needed re-digging. Right after that event, a pair of woodpeckers took up residence there -- I get such a kick from watching them at the feeder! They hang almost upside-down from the edge of the feeder tray, and will stomp their way around it to find what they like -- and to chase away blackbirds & jays! They don't bother the littler birds, just the big greedies. If only I could get a picture, but they're very shy of people.
Lord help us, the entire Plaid household (well, excepting the cats) has been caught up in the Malazan Tales of the Fallen, which is a fantasy series by Steven Erikson. There are many, many very thick books--the first few of which are largely responsible for the lack of knitting lately. Plaidman & I are taking turns requesting the next two in the series, from the library. We love our library! Speaking of which, I've a return notice in the email--three other books are due back this weekend.
I have one more Friday to work, before my coworker returns from her extended trip. She's adopting some sisters from a foreign land--I won't say more here. But I know these little girls are going to be blessed, to be in their new home! Easter is going to be terrific in her household; her own kids are all boys, so I'm guessing she'll have a ball dressing her daughters for church. Nana (my dear departed mother) used to dress all five of us kids, for Easter Sunday. She made a lot of the dresses we four girls wore, but didn't sew for our brother--dresses = easy, trousers = hard to make! I have a photo of us, with girls in bonnets and "spring" navy cloth coats, and Brother in his little suit. Put that on the to-do list: find the family photos & scan some of them so y'all can take a look!
Joelton, TN 37080, USA
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Hard workin' Mama
I haven't knit a stitch in a week -- I'm about to expire from withdrawal symptoms. Lots of projectts started, none of which has managed to fire up the knitting mojo. Instead, I'm thinking of going to the Middle Tenn Fiber Festival, to take Fleegle's class in supported spindling. Must. Resist. Urge. To. Spin!
My daffydils are blooming. They started budding the middle of last week, and over the weekend they opened up their trumpets. The Lambs' Ears at the porch front look truly ragged, even though the winter has been super mild. Doesn't matter, before the end of June I'll be digging them out of the yard--they kinda want to take over! I'm probably going to dig up what's left of the pussy-willow, which is now an all-u-can-eat for the Japanese beetles. If they'd only learn to eat honeysuckle....I could stand to have less of that!
Disco & I cooperated on a crock-pot lasagna, ala A Year of Slow Cooking (http://www.crockpot365.blogspot.com/), and ate like pigs -- it's abfab, I tell ya!
I have nothing to say about the so-called Super Bowl (pffft! as if it could be super without the Steelers!), because even tho it was on the TV and I was in the room, I didn't watch.
My daffydils are blooming. They started budding the middle of last week, and over the weekend they opened up their trumpets. The Lambs' Ears at the porch front look truly ragged, even though the winter has been super mild. Doesn't matter, before the end of June I'll be digging them out of the yard--they kinda want to take over! I'm probably going to dig up what's left of the pussy-willow, which is now an all-u-can-eat for the Japanese beetles. If they'd only learn to eat honeysuckle....I could stand to have less of that!
Disco & I cooperated on a crock-pot lasagna, ala A Year of Slow Cooking (http://www.crockpot365.blogspot.com/), and ate like pigs -- it's abfab, I tell ya!
I have nothing to say about the so-called Super Bowl (pffft! as if it could be super without the Steelers!), because even tho it was on the TV and I was in the room, I didn't watch.
Monday, January 23, 2012
More slippers
I've started a pair in Titans (Boo! Hiss!)colors, for the Plaidman. Had to really hunt for appropriately colored yarn--I don't actually have navy acrylic in the stash. Duh. Most of my acrylic yarns seem to be either pastels or Christmas red & green. So, neutrals are kinda sparse! Disco was wondering whether we could just try tying together a slough of different colors in 20'-30' lengths, to make our own "variegated". I said sure, as long as you don't mind pastels & Christmas! I have written up my notes for adaptations to Aunt Maggies's Slippers; if there is any interest I'll put that over on my patterns page, with a link to the original pattern.
Go Patriots! (We hate the Ravens...)
Go Patriots! (We hate the Ravens...)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
After careful review
I looked into the Every Which Way Wrap mentioned in the last post. This is a paid pattern, and from the look of it not exactly reversible. Now I don't mind paying a bit for a nice pattern, and this does look nice--but the reversibility of the Every Way Wrap was what sold me on knitting it. So I guess for now I'll pass on the Every Which Way (thank goodness! It was gonna get confusin' here real soon!). Last week I knit another pair of Aunt Maggie's Slippers for Disco, in a light orangey gold plu a medium orangey red acrylic yarns. They went so much faster than the last pair; have I actually gotten to be a faster knitter? I could live with that!
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